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Would there be less uncertainty about any God's existence if it was made clear in ancient times that he or she was an outer space alien?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 23 responses -
Atheists, are you annoyed by "theonormativity" in media and entertainment?
Asked by ETpro | 26 responses -
Is God a sociopath?
Asked by Self_Consuming_Cannibal | 39 responses -
Why do I feel like this?(about belief)
Asked by RockerChick14 from iPhone | 22 responses -
Do you think that atheists, who mock people who believe in God, are being hypocritical?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 58 responses -
Which would be a better place, our world with just theists or our world with just atheists?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 19 responses -
If you don't believe there is a God, Do you wish there were one?
Asked by theodiskaz | 99 responses -
Labels and religion aside: does anyone here avoid/object to organized religion only to secretly (or not) believe in God?
Asked by zensky | 26 responses -
NSFW - Could there be a God out there that experiences the joy of physical pleasure?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 27 responses -
How is a manifesting god compatible with the idea of a benevolent god?
Asked by tom_g | 14 responses -
Christians, how has God proved His existance to you in your life?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 48 responses -
Why is believing in God and/or religion always such a debate?
Asked by nofurbelowsbatgirl | 191 responses -
Why the God of Abraham?
Asked by ETpro | 55 responses -
Would all gods or any God do something to avoid being erased?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 39 responses -
Is agnosticism and religion (or non-religion) mutually exclusive?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 69 responses -
If you don't believe in God,who made this world and who has the control over it ?
Asked by KeepYourEyesWideOpen | 37 responses -
Theists, how did you decide which god or gods you would worship?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
Is it possible to believe in both God and science?
Asked by pleiades | 241 responses -
How would the discovery of alien life with advanced intelligence impact human-centered ideas of religion?
Asked by ETpro | 16 responses -
People want God to prevent massacres of the innocent or horrendous disasters, if He stepped in and did that and wanted to step in and control other areas how would people feel?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 79 responses -
What if we knew for sure about the existence, or lack thereof, of God?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 66 responses -
Atheists: do you ever thank/ask/pray to God?
Asked by zensky | 96 responses -
Can you write a quick story that contains the image "river of gods?"?
Asked by wundayatta | 16 responses -
NSFW - What will you say to help God with this problem?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 10 responses -
[NSFW!] Do non-Christ following people make peace with the admonishment in the Bible against using sex as a weapon?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses