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Help! Are there "lemon laws" for items other than cars?
Asked by syz | 5 responses -
Why are large air conditioners so delicate?
Asked by sharpstick | 3 responses -
What type of furnace do I need?
Asked by livingchoice | 19 responses -
What is the max square feet or cubic feet for residential air conditioners?
Asked by JLeslie | 5 responses -
This is really embarassing. But how do I change the temperature on the thermostat in my house?
Asked by eagles22 | 46 responses -
What can one do about too much dust?
Asked by Kayak8 | 14 responses -
What can I do to literally stay cool at my job tomorrow?
Asked by erikaziger | 15 responses -
Do you have a clever home construction/engineering solution for my problem?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 15 responses -
Is the electrical buzz that is preceding the thermostat/cooling system kicking in a sign that a component is about to die or that I'm at risk of an electical fire?
Asked by kevbo | 3 responses -
How much will the total cost be to replace the complete evaporator unit (fan and coil) in a central air system?
Asked by boxing | 9 responses -
How to calculate load calculation for hvac system?
Asked by sayyd | 3 responses -
How do I go about marketing a business?
Asked by FlutherMe | 10 responses -
Would you ever have a 5 ton air handler inside and a 4 ton outside?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 10 responses -
Would a fuel economy figure for a new home be useful for potential buyers?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 14 responses -
How much for new HVAC on a Grand Cherokee?
Asked by Cartman | 3 responses -
Will you help me calculate the air conditioning unit I need regarding tonnage?
Asked by JLeslie | 10 responses