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Who is in love with the fluther jellyfishes halloween costume?
Asked by MaekoPoisoning | 52 responses -
Why is Halloween on 1 October in US and 31 Oct in UK?
Asked by Stinley | 19 responses -
Has it ever rained on your Halloween?
Asked by guywithanaccountnow | 12 responses -
How old is too old to go trick-or-treating?
Asked by JONESGH | 51 responses -
Will you eat (or let your kids eat) homemade Halloween trick or treats?
Asked by keobooks | 24 responses -
Why did this woman seem so terrified?
Asked by Dutchess_lll | 12 responses -
Can someone find me video clips of Dr. Doom, speaking from the Spiderman Cartoon in 1998.
Asked by talljasperman | 3 responses -
Did everyone have a safe and fun Halloween?
Asked by Nomore_lockout | 13 responses -
What are some manly Halloween costume ideas?
Asked by Paradox1 from iPhone | 15 responses -
Creative Costume? (Technology related)
Asked by Shake | 25 responses -
Shouldn't dentists give out candy, instead of dental care stuff? (Details)
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 7 responses -
What makes people want to harm children?
Asked by LadyMarissa | 15 responses -
Why is the standard of safety with Halloween candy different than stuff at clubs, etc?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses -
Can you cook and eat a carving pumpkin?
Asked by Beta_Orionis | 34 responses -
Halloween customes - how far is too far?
Asked by SuperMouse | 50 responses -
What do you think about the idea of Hallowe’en on the weekend?
Asked by canidmajor | 41 responses -
What is a good couple costume for my bf if I am a fox?
Asked by chelle21689 | 17 responses -
Seeing as though Halloween is fast approaching, what is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
Asked by naynay86 | 33 responses -
Are ghosts real or not?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 10 responses -
How can I make a super great SLOTH Halloween costume?
Asked by deni | 29 responses -
How much candy did you get for halloween?
Asked by Comedian | 14 responses -
Why are powerful wizards portrayed to be so unkempt?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 17 responses -
When was the last time you carved a jack-o-lantern?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 22 responses -
How to avoid eating the candy before halloween?
Asked by chocomonkey | 29 responses -
When you buy candy to give out on Halloween (and assuming that you usually have leftovers), do you buy the stuff that you like, so that you can eat it?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 28 responses