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Who was Jesus?
Asked by seperate_reality | 43 responses -
Is it bad that I find Jesus attractive?
Asked by QueenOfNowhere | 36 responses -
Why is Jesus always painted as a light skin light brown haired guy ?
Asked by Scarlett | 45 responses -
After rising from the dead, why didn't Jesus show himself to enough number of people to prove without a doubt that he has truly risen?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 79 responses -
Is it possible to convert from Christianity to Islam?
Asked by KeithWilson | 54 responses -
What stories in mythology seem to be repeated?
Asked by jackm | 11 responses -
If Jesus was Jewish, why is there so much historical conflict between Christians and Jews?
Asked by MRSHINYSHOES | 31 responses -
Have you walked the Via Dolerosa and visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?
Asked by gmander | 18 responses -
Jesus question...
Asked by Supergirl | 29 responses -
When Jesus comes back what loose ends in "The Bible", would you like to be resolved?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 22 responses -
What does the cross mean to you?
Asked by shorty from iPhone | 61 responses -
Is there anywhere in the Bible where Jesus admits to having sinned?
Asked by stump | 43 responses -
If the Bible and every other holy book were never written, would people still believe in a God?
Asked by jamjar | 28 responses -
Atheists: Do you believe Jesus existed, and if so what made him so revered?
Asked by cockswain | 34 responses -
If God were an animal, what would He be? (please just Christians)
Asked by leopardgecko123 | 37 responses -
A ban on christianity?
Asked by jhellion1031 | 50 responses -
To Evangelical Christians: Where in the Bible is the Holocaust prophesied?
Asked by davidk | 12 responses -
How tall was Jesus?
Asked by saint | 6 responses -
Who played God/Jesus best in movies/TV?
Asked by ucme | 34 responses -
Have you read a book or seen a documentary "The Case For Christ" by a former atheist journalist of Chicago Tribune? What you think of his investigation?
Asked by seVen from iPhone | 41 responses -
Why do so many people celebrate Christmas?
Asked by josie | 58 responses -
Did I just find a logical fallacy in the words of Jesus?
Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies | 24 responses -
Were you taught right from wrong in the context of punishment, or reward, from God?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 17 responses -
Which revisionist theory of history do you find most offensive/objectionable?
Asked by davidk | 42 responses -
About what shade was the skin of Jesus Christ?
Asked by bolwerk | 18 responses