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Aggressive atheism promotes religious fundamentalism - What are the pros and cons of this hypothesis?
Asked by mattbrowne | 112 responses -
How do I tell my atheist family that I am religious?
Asked by froovyjosie | 62 responses -
Biblical question: why is Judas Iscariot viewed so negatively, yet his actions were necessary?
Asked by DominicX | 45 responses -
Religious folks, is it all about picking and choosing when it comes to the bible?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 57 responses -
Should the religious enjoy immunity to excoriate non-believers in any way they wish?
Asked by ETpro | 387 responses -
Where does it say that angels have wings?
Asked by AstroChuck | 38 responses -
How did Christians get into heaven before Jesus was born?
Asked by Malakai | 101 responses -
Why the God of Abraham?
Asked by ETpro | 55 responses -
Can someone be retroactively Jewish if their mother converts?
Asked by laureth | 26 responses -
What do you think of male circumcision?
Asked by lapilofu | 58 responses -
How did mah jong become popular with Jewish women?
Asked by occ | 20 responses -
Why does the Muslim-American Society (Philadelphia Chapter) get away with renting a room out to terrorist sympathizers on April 17, 2019?
Asked by Kraigmo | 37 responses -
What if the divine revelations of Christianity, Islam and Judaism are explainable in terms of Temporal Lobe Epileptic seizures?
Asked by Zuma | 81 responses -
How do I interpret a letter I received?
Asked by nettodo | 33 responses -
If Jesus was Jewish, why are people [insert other religion here]?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 52 responses -
What are YOUR views on religion?
Asked by froovyjosie | 37 responses -
Why is being Jewish considered an ethnicity?
Asked by yaujj48 | 11 responses -
What happens if Judaism announces a messiah?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 25 responses -
What does it mean to be a Jew?
Asked by LostInParadise | 8 responses -
Has comedy provided a better vehicle to discuss "god" than religion?
Asked by iamthemob | 28 responses -
What do you feel weighs heavier: animal rights or religious rituals/customs?
Asked by rebbel | 16 responses -
Is there any part of your religion that you don't agree with?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 26 responses -
What's a problem in your life right now?
Asked by judyprays | 46 responses -
Do Christians or Jews see themselves as God's slaves?
Asked by fullclip | 67 responses -
Jew: Ethnicity, Religion, Nation, Self-Defined, or None of the Above?
Asked by SmashTheState | 21 responses