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Why does my MacBook's display randomly resize itself?
Asked by MindErrantry | 3 responses -
Most of the laptops have the touchpad and 2 buttons that are supossed to be like the mouse, but, in a macbook, with only one button, what should i do when im playing a game where i need to hit the right button?
Asked by 2late2be | 4 responses -
MacBook Pro buying advice—Solid State Drive or not? + Trackpad issues?
Asked by makemo | 8 responses -
How can i get the new macbook?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 14 responses -
What is the clicking noise oming from my Macbook?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 9 responses -
Anyone know of an app for my macbook thats like ical?
Asked by A_Beaverhausen | 6 responses -
How do you download this driver for Mac?
Asked by Fred931 | 5 responses -
Why can't I import Garage Band clips of songs into iTunes?
Asked by Fred931 | 7 responses -
Do I have to be 18 to get work done on my macbook at the Genius Bar?
Asked by mtrom92 | 4 responses -
Can the MacBook combo DVD RW drive rip DVDs, or just make DVDs like from iMovie?
Asked by monsoon from iPhone | 9 responses -
Brighten a MacBook Webcam?
Asked by EnzoX24 | 2 responses -
What's the easiest way to copy over my filesystem onto my newer, faster, stronger internal hard drive?
Asked by andrew | 9 responses -
Does anyone know where I can find an older macbook/MacBook pro (no older than 2006 model) for under $600?
Asked by jdogg from iPhone | 6 responses -
Is it okay to run Photoshop CS5 on a Macbook?
Asked by lovelybones | 13 responses -
Where can I get an iPod firewire cable?
Asked by ezraglenn | 9 responses -
When is leaving my laptop on more energy-efficient than putting it to sleep?
Asked by santheo | 10 responses -
Do i need to install any kind of antivirus on a macbook?
Asked by 2late2be | 5 responses -
IWeb issues?
Asked by swimmindude2496 | 11 responses -
How do I transfer AddressBook Contacts to another account?
Asked by queenzboulevard | 10 responses -
MacBook Upgrade Opinion?
Asked by anonyjelly16 | 8 responses -
MacBook Pro owners! (especially older MBPs) Do you have battery issues?
Asked by evegrimm | 30 responses -
HP Installer help?
Asked by swimmindude2496 | 8 responses -
Im trying to amplify my wireless with my mac mini downstairs,but i dont know how.
Asked by afghanmoose | 7 responses -
Ok, i was just messing with my macbook and now i cant load any pictures nor images!?!? what happened?
Asked by 2late2be | 7 responses -
Do you still want to buy from Apple?
Asked by reactor5 | 29 responses