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Are you an adult gamer?
Asked by Hexr | 53 responses -
How to explain to one's children that software piracy is theft, if it seems acceptable to most other parents?
Asked by whitenoise | 33 responses -
How can I get the Nintendo Power calendar?
Asked by derektherock42 | 8 responses -
Old school video games vs games of now which is better?
Asked by MorenoMelissa1 | 20 responses -
How do you fight Mike Tyson in "Mike Tyson's Punch Out"?
Asked by talljasperman | 6 responses -
Why is the number 8 such a common theme in old video games?
Asked by Smashley | 8 responses -
How is it legal to sell an emulator?
Asked by opthalogicalnanobot | 5 responses -
Nintendo DS Lite: White screen?
Asked by Mariique | 3 responses -
Nintendo DSi Information Needed?
Asked by pjanaway | 4 responses -
What is a good Gamecube game for somebody reading at a 1st grade level?
Asked by Kameron | 10 responses -
Japanese man gets married to a video game character? What's up with Japan?
Asked by Ansible1 | 26 responses -
Why is Super Mario Bros 3 better than Super Mario World?
Asked by derektherock42 | 15 responses -
Which next-gen gaming console will debut next?
Asked by erichw1504 | 13 responses -
Does anyone remember the prices of old gaming consoles?
Asked by mowens | 17 responses -
What are some good games for the Nintendo DS or DSI?
Asked by pizzaman | 16 responses -
Is it just me or has the july 2009 comeptition 2 , in mario kart wii over dated ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 1 response -
Using a SD card on a nintendo DSi: Can I import my movies, and music from iTunes or Limewire?
Asked by desiree333 | 2 responses -
What are all the things you can do with a Nintendo DSi?
Asked by desiree333 | 7 responses -
GBA emu for NDS?
Asked by pandamonia | 2 responses -
How can you fix problems when emulating ROMs on an Acekard?
Asked by pandamonia | 3 responses -
What are your thoughts on Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony's announcements so far at E3 2009?
Asked by intro24 from iPhone | 6 responses -
Where can I watch E3 2009 on the Internet?
Asked by TheCreative | 2 responses -
Is there an analog stick attachment/accessory for the Nintendo DS Lite?
Asked by Theotherkid | 5 responses -
Didn't nintendo make it so people cant cheat online ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 1 response -
Does anyone know how to get a SAV off an NDS retail cart?
Asked by pandamonia | 7 responses