Social Science
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Is the job position of "DEI Officer" a cushy do-little job?
Asked by Kraigmo | 11 responses -
If you were on an ark with limited space/resources, would you resent the people who produced children while on the ark?
Asked by Kraigmo | 3 responses -
Do you ever skip the first couple paragraphs of a newspaper or magazine article to get past the introductory fluff BS?
Asked by Kraigmo | 8 responses -
Why do so many drivers in USA briefly stop at Green Arrow Right Turn lights?
Asked by Kraigmo | 18 responses -
Does a part of your mind actually enjoy the sound of leaf blowers?
Asked by Kraigmo | 15 responses -
Why do owners of new Jeeps (generally speaking) drive so slow and stupid? What is it about the Jeep owner demographic?
Asked by Kraigmo | 14 responses -
Why does the Muslim-American Society (Philadelphia Chapter) get away with renting a room out to terrorist sympathizers on April 17, 2019?
Asked by Kraigmo | 37 responses -
How do you get to the alphabets to search by last name/first/initials?
Asked by flo | 6 responses -
Is there a kinder word than "appropriation" when taking on the elements of another culture?
Asked by Yellowdog | 17 responses -
Is there such a thing as a person who is never "triggered"?
Asked by NerdyKeith from iPhone | 7 responses -
Why does America break nice things?
Asked by thorninmud | 42 responses -
Students of history and anthropology: does it ever get to you?
Asked by CugelTheClueless | 8 responses -
English sentence explanation?
Asked by rmoses1 | 12 responses -
Who said "If you need a tracking device on your children then you haven't done a good job as a parent"?
Asked by flo | 10 responses -
Would you please edit the following to make it unbiased sounding?
Asked by flo | 10 responses -
What do you think of the attempt of eliminating religion altogether from the planet?
Asked by flo | 37 responses -
Are there any anthropologists on Fluther?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 13 responses -
How important is it for you to belong to a “group”?
Asked by Just_Justine | 51 responses -
How do you deal with something sad and disappointing and you can't get it out of your mind?
Asked by Ranimi23 | 26 responses -
Taking religion off the table, what are you skeptical about?
Asked by wundayatta | 46 responses -
Who was Cicero and what is his legacy to society?
Asked by Raggedy_Ann | 7 responses