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Who is your favorite fictional villain from TV or the movies and why?
Asked by Kraken | 55 responses -
Connecting laptop to TV help, please?
Asked by rangerr | 9 responses -
Early 90's late night softcore series name?
Asked by Adfsfk | 9 responses -
Can you help me find this television commercial?
Asked by MrsDufresne | 6 responses -
What are the quirky names of your city's news forecasters and anchormen/women?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 21 responses -
SkyTV (UK) Question: Is your News Channel Band (6) totally down? (Details follow.)
Asked by DarlingRhadamanthus | 3 responses -
Does anyone know where to find the tv show "stoked" on cartoon network for free online?
Asked by meganisabellaakay | 3 responses -
Where can i watch 7th Heaven online for free?
Asked by Yehekai | 12 responses -
Would you miss the boob tube? (could you go without the tele)?
Asked by Jude | 38 responses -
Buying a new television; got any advice for me?
Asked by janbb | 14 responses -
Do people on any of those candid camera shows get anything?
Asked by Zone36 | 5 responses -
Who is the guy that has the talk show and has many animal guests?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 7 responses -
Which live-action Krofft Superstar show do you believe most deserves a serious big screen treatment?
Asked by SmashTheState | 6 responses -
Can someone find me a video/audio switcher at a good price?
Asked by mrrich724 | 2 responses -
How can we fix our kids brains? Do media control their minds?
Asked by espanyol | 32 responses -
Does anyone know of any good movie/TV streaming sites?
Asked by SmashTheState | 10 responses -
What most often makes you cry?
Asked by ETpro | 59 responses -
How do you convert a video recorded tape (the little small kind) to a DVD?
Asked by Finley | 6 responses -
How can we hold news organizations accountable for false news?
Asked by Iclamae | 14 responses -
How do I hook up this useless Wii to my LED tv?
Asked by mrrich724 | 13 responses -
What cartoons did your parents enjoy?
Asked by Berserker | 28 responses -
What TV Personality/Celebrity would you like to see join Fluther?
Asked by AmWiser | 25 responses -
Which episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation was amongst one of your favorites?
Asked by Kraken | 51 responses -
What is the best way to turn an old laptop into a media center?
Asked by edmann13 | 4 responses -
What are these songs in these episodes of The Boondocks?
Asked by XOIIO | 5 responses