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If FB and twitter have endless scrolling why don't they have a go to top button?
Asked by atlantis | 8 responses -
Care to finish Rudy's tweet?
Asked by rebbel | 16 responses -
How much will Twitter's tech problems hurt DeSantis' presidential announcement?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 11 responses -
Do you use Twitter in your life? How?
Asked by jeremysallen | 6 responses -
Why Fluther?
Asked by growler | 41 responses -
Is a Twitter username all in caps symptomatic of an overinflated ego?
Asked by rexpresso from IM | 16 responses -
How can I specify the page name for Twitter and Facebook sharing buttons on front page of website?
Asked by brotherhume | 1 response -
When you see older celebrities trending on Twitter, do you immediately fear that they've died?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 10 responses -
Does anyone know of a Twitter client for Mac OSX that also shows tweets in your local area?
Asked by sketchstudios | 4 responses -
Should the New York Times have hired Sarah Jeong?
Asked by Demosthenes | 23 responses -
What's the most creative use of Twitter that you've heard of?
Asked by marauder76 | 10 responses -
Do you agree that society can reduce an idea to a simplistic/trivial level?
Asked by LanceVance | 8 responses -
What if someone linked to a leak of a song and then the artist who made the track?
Asked by anon30 | 9 responses -
Who hates twitter? why?
Asked by bigboss | 27 responses -
What does it mean when people put a "#" sign in front of a word on Facebook?
Asked by SamIAm | 9 responses -
How to get followers on tumblr and twitter?
Asked by polycinco | 13 responses -
How can a Twitter tweet be used as legal evidence?
Asked by LostInParadise | 5 responses -
Are Facebook and Twitter really that great, or are they just filling a void?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 25 responses -
What was Fluther sold for to Twitter?
Asked by talljasperman | 9 responses -
Can you explain how Twitter would work for a business?
Asked by syz | 12 responses -
What social networking/media site(s) that you currently use could you do without?
Asked by mirifique | 33 responses -
Why do you like Twitter?
Asked by oddrax | 7 responses -
Where is the first use of @reply on Fluther?
Asked by richardhenry from iPhone | 22 responses -
So it's been a couple months since Twitter took over; Has it changed your Fluther experience?
Asked by Foolaholic | 30 responses -
I've never used Twitter. How do I join an existing conversation?
Asked by Kraigmo | 4 responses