World Trade Center
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How was 9/11 different from the Riechstag burning In Germany?
Asked by Darbio16 | 88 responses -
Would you visit the World Trade Center museum?
Asked by anniereborn | 20 responses -
Where would America be if 9/11 hadn't happened?
Asked by intro24 from iPhone | 17 responses -
Who was responsible of 911 and who should be punished?
Asked by seharmks | 9 responses -
Past and present New Yorkers (and visitors): were you already well aware that the original WTC plaza was modeled after the Grand Mosque of Mecca?
Asked by kevbo | 21 responses -
9/11 conspiracy skeptics and theorists, care to weigh in on this engineering/science-based presentation?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 43 responses -
9/11 To Iraq. Knowing what we know now... would we have done it differently?
Asked by Darbio16 | 43 responses -
Why not just rebuild the Twin Towers, just as they used to look but 'plane proof'?
Asked by lloydbird | 12 responses -
Has anyone identified any of the people seen in the 9/11 photos jumping from the WTC?
Asked by GeorgeGee | 27 responses -
If it were Muslims from Indonesia planning a center with a mosque near "Ground Zero" would we still be having this idiotic fuss about it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 4 responses -
Is there anyone out there commemorating the loss of a loved one to September 11, 2001's tradgedies?
Asked by Sloane2024 | 11 responses -
Do you agree with designer/architect Santiago Calatrava that the new $4B World Trade Center transportation hub tells a New Yorker who "has to go to work maybe in a cellar and do a very simple work" that he "an important guy" for the brief moments he takes in the majesty?
Asked by ibstubro | 11 responses -
Does anyone know if Jonathan Wright's story Firehouse Down is true or a fabrication?
Asked by srmorgan | 3 responses -
Wouldn't it make SENSE to design the World Trade Center to "pancake" on itself rather than topple over in one piece like a HUGH tower?
Asked by Mr_M | 29 responses -
On 9/11, how did Christine Whitman's staff get the air quality so WRONG?
Asked by Mr_M | 4 responses -
Are you brave enough to work in the new world trade center tower?
Asked by pleiades | 10 responses -
What where the motivators for terrorists attacks at 9/11?
Asked by arturodiaz | 25 responses