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How much will gambling be integrated into American society?
Asked by wundayatta | 7 responses -
Why are we not addicted to feeling good?
Asked by leeds | 12 responses -
Is anyone else a Mac App-oholic?
Asked by suzyq2463 | 4 responses -
Is everyone addicted to something?
Asked by jellyfish | 13 responses -
What's a bad habit that you've been trying to break for years?
Asked by Siren | 51 responses -
How do you take your tea?
Asked by Elumas | 24 responses -
Which is worse for your hand--mouse or trackpad?
Asked by queenzboulevard | 8 responses -
How do I deal with procrastination?
Asked by 90s_kid | 43 responses -
Why is Fluther so Addictive?
Asked by nebule | 25 responses -
What are you or have been addicted to?
Asked by cage | 120 responses -
Do you have withdrawls after finishing a book?
Asked by krose1223 | 32 responses -
Who here plays WoW? If so what do you think? If not, are you one of those people that say it's dangerous and so on?
Asked by cage | 36 responses -
What do you think it is about your personality that makes you drawn to Fluther?
Asked by Nimis | 35 responses -
Has anyone ever given up watching TV? ever given up having a TV?
Asked by susanc | 42 responses -
How attached are you to your cell phone? (or other gadget)
Asked by seekingwolf | 25 responses -
Do you think the creator of fluther and/or moderators are just as addicted to fluther as we are?
Asked by AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA | 18 responses -
Kidney Stone, Coffee, Yes or No.
Asked by windex | 9 responses -
Can you just enjoy coke occasionally?
Asked by artificialard | 43 responses -
How has technology addiction effected your life?
Asked by Sakata | 14 responses -
How can I stop my Facebook addiction?
Asked by Jamila | 14 responses -
Are you as addicted to dried cranberries as I am?
Asked by ccrash3 | 21 responses -
Should I stop drinking coffee?
Asked by shadling21 | 11 responses -
Realistically, what do I do about a crazy, suicidal, drug-addicted ex-boyfriend?
Asked by aneedleinthehayy | 37 responses -
Do you believe that every person has an addiction?
Asked by St.George | 26 responses -
How to get over web addiction?
Asked by mabd | 17 responses