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Would you support the full legalisation of all recreational drugs?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 71 responses -
Foolproof way to get sugar out of your diet?
Asked by MooCows | 37 responses -
Who else l-o-v-e-s to sleep?
Asked by MooCows | 12 responses -
Who does NOT drink coffee in the morning?
Asked by MooCows | 36 responses -
What do you really eat a lot of, perhaps even far too much?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 39 responses -
Is there something you tried to savor so long that you lost it?
Asked by ibstubro | 5 responses -
Are you a cheese or Oreo cookie junky? [Details]?
Asked by ibstubro | 30 responses -
What are the causes for the high volume of dysfunctionality in America?
Asked by vertz | 22 responses -
What is the most addictive musical riff?
Asked by SmashTheState | 31 responses -
Is it Donald Trump who rails against Bill Maher and others for promoting drug use?
Asked by flo | 11 responses -
Would you be able to restrain yourself from eating too much?
Asked by Kardamom | 11 responses -
Is there a movie that you dislike, but can't help watching whenever you come across it on TV?
Asked by Kardamom | 10 responses -
Is Fluther addictive, or just habit-forming?
Asked by Strauss | 17 responses -
Is there a food you wish you could hate?
Asked by ibstubro | 67 responses -
Different Types of Addiction Treatments?
Asked by broberst | 4 responses -
If a spouse begins to gain a lot of weight should the other say or do anything different?
Asked by LuckyGuy | 56 responses -
Will Fluther adopt any more images as default avatars?
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 2 responses -
Are you infatuated with someone, like an addiction?
Asked by Mastema | 10 responses -
Is addiction a disease?
Asked by FlyingWolf | 46 responses -
Do you believe that fast food is addictive, i.e. can be "an addiction"?
Asked by ibstubro | 28 responses -
What is your addiction, whether by choice or not?
Asked by zenzen | 26 responses -
What if an adult kidnapping victim chooses to continue to be a kidnap victim?
Asked by flo | 12 responses -
Lets put work aside, and ask could you go a day, a week, a month without your cell phone?
Asked by SQUEEKY2 | 34 responses -
What do you think about the gambler who lost 500k at the casino and is now suing because he is saying he lost all that money due to the fact that they served him alcohol when he was already drunk?
Asked by jca | 34 responses -
Is any sleep aid actually non habit forming?
Asked by JLeslie | 23 responses