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My upgrade for windows 7 was shipped to the wrong place. I've been talking and been on hold for 1 1/2 and still no help (I ordered windows 7 with my new laptop). What Should I do?
Asked by jdogg | 5 responses -
A letter came through the door today addressed to " Executor(s) of George Wood , Is this a correct way of a letter heading ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 8 responses -
I have a dot-mac account which is expiring soon, and my iTunes account is registered with my dot-mac email address. When it expires, will I need to change the dead email to a new one?
Asked by writerini | 8 responses -
How do I get a "Return to Sender" piece of mail back to the mailman if I don't have a mailbox?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 7 responses -
Anyone know which blog?
Asked by toomuchcoffee911 from iPhone | 1 response -
What is a "permanent address"?
Asked by girlofscience | 23 responses -
Is there anyway to log into IRC annonymously?
Asked by sketchstudios | 4 responses -
Application to edit Windows address book contacts?
Asked by HeNkiSdaBro | 4 responses -
Where do I need to update my address when I move?
Asked by sferik | 10 responses