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Are you living up to your full potential?
Asked by bkburbo | 47 responses -
Why do so many grown-ups love to play dodgeball?
Asked by sooperburd | 9 responses -
Do your political opinions align with those of your parents?
Asked by jlm11f | 45 responses -
How do you break out of your "30s" drama?
Asked by phred78 | 27 responses -
Were you shy as a child, yet are much less shy as an adult?
Asked by wundayatta | 21 responses -
Is it ok to have adult conversations on fluther which is meant for people as young as 13?
Asked by youknowconnor from iPhone | 21 responses -
Can a person be diagnosed with bipolar at an adult age?
Asked by babygalll | 10 responses -
If anyone here strips for a living, what's the most money you've made in one night, without degrading yourself?
Asked by syntak | 13 responses -
Where is the G-spot?
Asked by sargentbranbran | 3 responses -
Can anyone help me find a good photo directory of gay porn stars?
Asked by deepseas72 | 1 response -
Who is this gay porn star?
Asked by deepseas72 | 2 responses