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Have you ever seen this before?
Asked by Berserker | 45 responses -
Who will win the feud between Trump and the mayor of Washington D.C.?
Asked by stanleybmanly from iPhone | 4 responses -
Why isn't the Double Quarter Pounder just called the Half Pounder?
Asked by Anon_Jihad | 18 responses -
What are these called, and how do I view whatever they are?
Asked by filmfann | 9 responses -
Whose religious message should taxpayers be required to fund?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
WTF? Did you know that Thousand Islands dressing isn't actually made of a thousand islands?
Asked by ETpro | 30 responses -
How can we improve the US economy?
Asked by RomanRealtors | 46 responses -
Is this kind of branding a thing in other countries too (details inside)
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 5 responses -
Are AS SEEN ON TV ads trying to portray a bygone era?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 1 response -
Was the half time show super ironic?
Asked by wundayatta | 25 responses -
Why are there so many ads for car insurance?
Asked by ben | 3 responses -
Should Duke be allowed to sell the Bush family's secret recipe? Why?
Asked by Noel_S_Leitmotiv | 28 responses -
Am I wrong or is the current president,the first president in history to be used as a marketing tool by companies ?
Asked by Pretty_Lilly | 21 responses -
Has anyone else noticed a relentless push of dairy products?
Asked by Sgt_Pop_McTart | 21 responses -
Has Fluther's search quick-look flydown quit working for you too?
Asked by ETpro | 11 responses -
Why hasn't the popular media version of beauty changed?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 12 responses -
How can pressure be brought on Rush's biggest sponsors, Clear Channel and Bain Capital?
Asked by ETpro | 9 responses -
Is the "American Dream" an ideology or a cultural myth?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 28 responses -
Advertising campaign for Jesus, what do you think of this? (Link included)
Asked by HumourMe | 77 responses -
What are the technical terms for the artifacts routinely used in advertising art?
Asked by ETpro | 6 responses -
Does my company need to be on Twitter?
Asked by tptptp111 | 23 responses -
Are you a fan or a hater of Marmite? - is there a middle ground?
Asked by Chrissi85 | 37 responses -
Are you more or less likely to patronise a business that advertises an affiliation with Christianity?
Asked by Seek | 58 responses -
what percentage of Americans are on anti-depressants?
Asked by occ | 7 responses -
Have you ever fallen prey to false advertising?
Asked by jealoustome | 21 responses