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Can you become tolerably good at something you're really bad at?
Asked by nikipedia | 13 responses -
How can you get rid of a junk mobile home?
Asked by mellow_girl | 13 responses -
What are quick and easy ways to make a couple thousand dollars within a few months time?
Asked by Ume | 42 responses -
She left without saying anything to me. No warning or reason or goodbye, she left just like that. What should I do?
Asked by abheem | 9 responses -
What should I do in this situation? (extremely long details inside)
Asked by Mimishu1995 | 32 responses -
If someone asked you how they could live a happier life, what advice would you give them?
Asked by The_Compassionate_Heretic | 27 responses -
Why do people become "friends with benefits" after breaking up?
Asked by iRemy_y | 22 responses -
College Application Essay: how do I write it?
Asked by cricketonastick | 16 responses -
Is it time to end things?
Asked by gigibrown | 11 responses -
I am taking over a Nail Salon soon, Do any of you have any advice to pass on? Thank you in advance...
Asked by ArabianKnightress | 12 responses -
Can you give me advice on what I should do with my life right now?
Asked by dxs | 31 responses -
How should I handle this situation, in which my family disapproves of the person I'm seeing?
Asked by nicole29 | 33 responses -
You find out a teen is pregnant after another teen confides in you. What would you do?
Asked by cak | 55 responses -
Can you give any advice on an annoying college situation?
Asked by Mariah | 28 responses -
Now that I know what I want to do, how can I do it?
Asked by nocountry2 | 15 responses -
What should I do? (Relationship advice needed!)
Asked by ModernEpicurian | 37 responses -
Why do some people ask for advice, then get angry when you suggest something that they don't want to hear?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 34 responses -
What is the best adivce you've ever gotten?
Asked by Scarlett | 59 responses -
Would you keep dating someone who didn't want a serious relationship?
Asked by mostlyclueless | 19 responses -
My Girlfriend is killing me on the inside, what should I do?
Asked by Begeara | 41 responses -
What does it take to quit your life and start a new?
Asked by Deepness | 35 responses -
What to do? Do I stay or leave? Or take sometime apart?
Asked by Amo101 | 19 responses -
Do random older people come and talk to you?
Asked by idream3r | 28 responses -
Do any other women wish they were a man sometimes?
Asked by Cindy1302 | 15 responses -
Is a degree in Hospitality worth it?
Asked by Aesthetic_Mess | 11 responses