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He/she is a great person, fits me like a glove, but what number of kids are too many for you to enter a relationship with them?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 12 responses -
So I turned 20 today.... now what?
Asked by XCNuse | 10 responses -
Gentlemen: have you or anyone you become a father at the age of 50 and over?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 10 responses -
What do you think is the average age of MOST of the people here on Fluther?
Asked by XrayGirl | 7 responses -
Age is just a number?
Asked by Disc2021 | 16 responses -
What causes loss of leg hair?
Asked by Garebo | 46 responses -
How old do you have to be to buy a stock ?
Asked by kapuerajam from iPhone | 4 responses -
Is age just a number?
Asked by lotus21 | 17 responses -
Average Age of Flutherites?
Asked by Modern_Classic | 1 response -
When is age difference an issue?
Asked by Siren | 54 responses -
Do you have a default assumption for other Flutherites' age before you really know?
Asked by fireinthepriory | 63 responses -
In alabama how old do you have to be to refuse medical treatment?
Asked by Mom2BDec2010 | 4 responses -
Is 18 months really 2 years?
Asked by sandystrachan | 16 responses -
Any free age progression sites?
Asked by jamcanfi74 | 3 responses -
How does it feel growing up?
Asked by Lovefirst from iPhone | 7 responses -
Grey Hair At 14?
Asked by Amish_Ninja | 28 responses -
What would volunteering at a nursing home give to a person?
Asked by Mandeblind from iPhone | 8 responses -
Who is the oldest person alive?
Asked by HughBeaver | 5 responses -
Would you trade your age for the fastest internet connection in the world?
Asked by shockvalue | 7 responses -
How do you feel about minors on Fluther?
Asked by SeventhSense | 178 responses -
Should someone get married after only knowing the other person for a period of 4 Months?
Asked by iceblu | 52 responses -
How do i find out how old my aunt is?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 22 responses -
What is you nintendo wii fitness age, and how long have you been playing it for ?
Asked by sandystrachan | 7 responses -
[Semi fluff] Age, is it just a number or does it dictate how you are supposed to act and dress?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 15 responses -
How do you experience the generation gap?
Asked by wundayatta | 18 responses