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How much extra time should I allow to get to Logan Airport tonight?
Asked by DandyDear711 | 7 responses -
Is this a good guess about the missing airplaine in the ocean?
Asked by talljasperman | 14 responses -
When traveling to Puerto Rico are we allowed to lock our luggage?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 17 responses -
What do you do if you find your carry on won't fit under the seat or in the overhead of an airplane?
Asked by AshlynM | 7 responses -
Can I check a jogging stroller at the gate on JetBlue?
Asked by marzanmama | 1 response -
If you load a movie on the internets, will it still play if you have no internet connection?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 10 responses -
What to bring in a carry-on bag for a trip from Minnesota to Colorado?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 6 responses -
Why are there never seats on my Free Mileage program with United?
Asked by skfinkel | 8 responses -
Can you help me buy a FlightSim rig for my son?
Asked by marcosthecuban | 5 responses -
When is the best time to buy an airplane ticket?
Asked by JesusWasAJewbot | 5 responses -
Why do airplane headphones have 2 jacks?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 7 responses -
How did air control during 9/11 not prevent the planes going into the towers?
Asked by pleiades | 18 responses -
Where can I get free AirMiles Reward Miles?
Asked by catsanddogs | 3 responses -
Are there any stops from palestine to sanfransisco?
Asked by love408 | 7 responses -
What should I do if I have ear congestion and I need to fly in an airplane?
Asked by juniper | 10 responses -
Alternative methods to control pitch in heavier-than-air craft?
Asked by Introverted_Leo | 8 responses -
Does NYPD uses contractors for the maintenance of their fixed wings aircrafts?
Asked by BronxLens | 1 response -
What is the average height of an airplane?
Asked by joeljrodriguez | 2 responses -
Why do air shows still exist, when it is almost a certainty that the planes will crash?
Asked by brownlemur | 11 responses -
Does hearing about a plane crash make you afraid to fly?
Asked by cdwccrn from iPhone | 21 responses -
How do I find a flight to St.Vincent?
Asked by Rememberme | 3 responses -
How fast do small airplanes fly?
Asked by ellinor07 | 4 responses -
Will you help me understand what happened with the Air France Jet?
Asked by marcosthecuban | 17 responses -
How many people, in the world, have died or been injured from the automobile and airplane?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 15 responses -
What kind of Japanese do flight attendants use in flight?
Asked by Zone36 | 9 responses