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Which one of these is right (math)
Asked by Disc2021 | 20 responses -
Are there any brainiacs out there who can 'splain to me (in English!) why a negative number divided by a negative number ='s a positive number?
Asked by Val123 | 14 responses -
Anyone willing to help me with my Modern Algebra questions?
Asked by huey | 9 responses -
How do I Show that either f(1)=0 or f(1)=1 ii) Show that either f maps each element of F to 0 or f is injective.
Asked by huey | 6 responses -
Tips for College Algebra/Precalculus?
Asked by Disc2021 | 14 responses -
Can anyone figure out these two algebra problems?
Asked by rentluva5256 | 20 responses -
How do you convert a fraction into a whole number?
Asked by eLenaLicious | 5 responses -
Can anyone mathematically prove that god does not exist?
Asked by RomanRealtors | 93 responses -
Were you taught to do vertical multiplication of algebraic expressions?
Asked by LostInParadise | 6 responses -
How do you solve Inequalities involving fractions?
Asked by Resistka | 9 responses -
What is the name of the theorem that proves this equation?
Asked by abh94 | 7 responses -
How to solve direct and indirect/inverse variation problem?
Asked by scotielee | 8 responses -
Yeah, so I need help studying for my COMPASS test...
Asked by Piper_Brianmind | 16 responses -
How much and what type of math is needed in Accounting?
Asked by Supacase | 8 responses -
What are the obstacles to learning Algebra in high school?
Asked by algebraQuiry | 38 responses -
3x = 81 how is this equation solved?
Asked by milla101 | 19 responses -
Solving for variable;; algebra 2?
Asked by rachelmusil | 5 responses -
Algebra 2 help;; solve:?
Asked by rachelmusil | 3 responses -
A tricky math problem: restricting a in the equation a(b^2-1)=c^2+d^2 to force |b|=1?
Asked by finkelitis | 29 responses -
Can you handle this algebraic brain teaser?
Asked by LostInParadise | 32 responses -
What type of correlation would you expect between the number of minutes a candle burns and the height of the candle?
Asked by sillymichelleyoung | 11 responses -
What does 1 + 1 equal?
Asked by chromaBYTE | 32 responses -
Is E=MC'2 the most popular formula ever?
Asked by Zack_In_Black from iPhone | 17 responses -
Factor completely:x^4+4
Asked by shared3 | 7 responses