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Why do some fruits have a groove on the side them?
Asked by arnbev959 | 10 responses -
Whats the main difference (in appearance) between houses built in the 1940's and 1920's?
Asked by mirandapfeiffer | 3 responses -
Where can i find recyclable plastic sheet material?
Asked by tafar | 3 responses -
Where can I find green bamboo poles in san francisco?
Asked by tafar | 5 responses -
Have you been to Barcelona? If so, we're you awestruck by the Sagrada Familia church (see my avatar) and Gaudi's other pieces?
Asked by scrappyblue | 5 responses -
When was the Liben quarter in Prague built?
Asked by cedricgross | 1 response -
Does anyone have any ideas for how to build a water tower?
Asked by arnbev959 | 16 responses -
Where can I go online to learn about a building, based on its street address?
Asked by jm3 | 7 responses -
Ever used wabi-sabi?
Asked by BronxLens | 5 responses -
What are the best & most simple websites for youg artists to show/auction/sell their work?
Asked by BronxLens | 10 responses -
What term am I thinking of? bah-bah-BAH-bah fatigue?
Asked by andrew | 12 responses -
Where is the best university to study architecture?
Asked by will3192 | 10 responses -
Architectural Software?
Asked by cage | 4 responses -
Really hard question?
Asked by shared3 | 29 responses -
Where can I find statistics on how many Architectural firms there are internationally?
Asked by jgebbia | 3 responses -
Split AutoCAD files up by tab?
Asked by bpeoples | 1 response -
Where can I find a commercial toilet with a foot pedal?
Asked by kimberly | 3 responses -
What is the Gpa requirement for urbana/champaign and would that be a good college for architecture and contracting?
Asked by jdogg from iPhone | 1 response -
Looking for books/resources for 1940's US military architecture...
Asked by bpeoples | 6 responses -
Proscenium Theater that opens on the back to an outdoor venue?
Asked by bpeoples | 5 responses -
How much building debris is salvaged after a natural disaster?
Asked by ALM | 7 responses -
How to calculate the center of gravity of a cylinder segment?
Asked by bpeoples | 4 responses -
What is the difference between an Edwardian and a Victorian house in San Francisco?
Asked by occ | 4 responses