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What is your look?
Asked by wundayatta | 78 responses -
Have you ever taught yourself to draw, paint or play a musical instrument?
Asked by Jude | 26 responses -
What artist am I thinking of?
Asked by TexasDude | 11 responses -
What to do at Comic-Con?
Asked by starboyg | 8 responses -
Which artist was more influential on modern art - Dali or Van Gogh?
Asked by svetda86 | 6 responses -
Are clothes and human decorations more important than human beings?
Asked by wundayatta | 41 responses -
Is it too late for me to become a famous artist/musician? Also, is fame important?
Asked by niki | 31 responses -
How does one find a mentor in their chosen field?
Asked by Ladymia69 | 6 responses -
How have you found your own creative style?
Asked by Ladymia69 | 12 responses -
What are some fun, effective creative exercises?
Asked by Ladymia69 | 11 responses -
Have you ever had the opportunity to just look at the live naked human body? Just look?
Asked by wundayatta | 35 responses -
Have you ever been drawn, painted or photographed in the nude (professionally done, though)
Asked by Jude | 29 responses -
For artists, what motivates you to create? (other than the profit motive)
Asked by Earthgirl | 22 responses -
Street art: do they have to catch you in the act?
Asked by phocks | 8 responses -
Wall shelf placement, would this work?
Asked by Jude | 11 responses -
What is the most decorative way to print art from a digital file?
Asked by Tintels | 7 responses -
What position can we give to this amazing organizer?
Asked by Mrgelastic | 22 responses -
Thoughts on this photo? I am thinking about cropping it and framing it.
Asked by Jude | 29 responses -
Is there a study that involves art or design without having to go to an art academy?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 6 responses -
How can I find out if my antique item has any value?
Asked by Zone36 | 7 responses -
Are you a sensitive type of guy? Do you have an easy time expressing emotion?
Asked by Jude | 28 responses -
Ever discover that you were actually quite talented at something later in life?
Asked by Jude | 23 responses -
Tell me what to draw?
Asked by waffles | 39 responses -
Would you be interested in participating in a seasonal, themed CD mix exchange?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 141 responses -
How should a person go about finding work as an art model?
Asked by gememers | 7 responses