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What Makes a Great Art Exhibition?
Asked by BronxLens | 16 responses -
Anyone used/using to trade globally?
Asked by BronxLens | 4 responses -
Why must I have a Lurve, can't I refer to it as something else?
Asked by Kevisaurus | 47 responses -
Why are Japanese Anime Cartoons depicted as having no Noses or strange Noses?
Asked by SeventhSense | 14 responses -
How was the distinction between masculine and feminine colors originally decided?
Asked by lc | 10 responses -
Do you consider this art?
Asked by casheroo | 96 responses -
Would you ever pose nude for an art class?
Asked by Jude | 61 responses -
How much should I pay for a portrait done by a friend?
Asked by jsc3791 | 11 responses -
If you were to choose a pseudonym under to which to publish/sell/display a work, what would it be?
Asked by Jude | 24 responses -
Better to stay semi blind or get cataract surgery but risk going completely blind?
Asked by judyprays | 15 responses -
What course is best to take to learn painting?
Asked by BronxLens | 14 responses -
What is are the numbers for these color combinations?
Asked by girlofscience | 18 responses -
In photoshop, how do you change an entire area to a different color?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 16 responses -
Do you go out to see live comedy? ...and if so, what is your favourite show?
Asked by seenmaker | 28 responses -
Artists: Describe how you produce a beautiful new creation?
Asked by ninjacolin | 16 responses -
What is the definition of art and what are 3 types of concepts of art?
Asked by love408 | 5 responses -
Have you ever bought picture frames online or what do you think is the best way to take care of your framing needs?
Asked by BONZO | 6 responses -
Where can i commision a drawing ?
Asked by Staalesen | 9 responses -
What is this equation?
Asked by Ort | 7 responses -
To bathroom together or not to bathroom together, that is the question:?
Asked by bigbanana | 38 responses -
A decorating question. What should I put in front of the wall in a section of my livingroom?
Asked by Jude | 29 responses -
Does anyone know a website that will take a digital photo and produce cool art out of it?
Asked by sarahclif | 5 responses -
Analysis of my grandma's art?
Asked by kevbo | 18 responses -
Why, in your opinion, are images of Marilyn Monroe and Liz Taylor so common in fine art and pop art?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 17 responses -
New Yorkers: Did anyone go to the Armory Show at Piers 92 and 94?
Asked by TitsMcGhee | 5 responses