audio books
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Which is more enjoyable, reading the book or listening to its audiobook version?
Asked by mazingerz88 from iPhone | 7 responses -
Is it still possible to get a cassette player?
Asked by Seek | 11 responses -
I listen to books-on-CDs all the time. What would be the best gadget to replace CDs on a Walkman (that eats AA batteries) ?
Asked by gailcalled | 49 responses -
Have you ever read a book that scared you so much you either couldnt finish reading it or just had to finish reading it?
Asked by zookeeny | 43 responses -
Is there downloadable software that read text aloud?
Asked by blakemasnor | 4 responses -
Does anyone on Fluther own the new Kindle 2 or know someone who does and if so, could you give me your opinions on it?
Asked by Bluefreedom | 6 responses