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What do you think about this couple in Toronto raising a "genderless" baby?
Asked by Seelix | 120 responses -
So, is this baby trying to claw its way out of my vagina or what?
Asked by ubersiren | 26 responses -
Would anyone care to join me in congratulating robmandu on the birth of his new son?
Asked by breedmitch | 60 responses -
If a baby is born in space, what is it's nationality?
Asked by rangerr | 26 responses -
I can't afford an abortion..what can I do?
Asked by FromNJ23 | 59 responses -
What would you do if you found yourself pregnant during a zombie apocalypse?
Asked by jonsblond | 32 responses -
Did you know I had a little girl? Would you like to see some pictures?
Asked by bulbatron9 | 66 responses -
What was the very first thought that went through your head when you saw your newborn baby for the very first time?
Asked by keobooks | 23 responses -
What do you think about value ascribed to "innocent lives", specifically young children, babies and the unborn?
Asked by fundevogel | 19 responses -
NSFW? Give me your best dead baby joke.
Asked by AshLeigh | 109 responses -
When does life begin?
Asked by robmandu | 86 responses -
Why do baby clothes have pockets?
Asked by sandystrachan | 39 responses -
What would be a good way to tell the expecting grandparents?
Asked by casheroo | 58 responses -
72 year old 'pregnant' from 26 year old?
Asked by rebbel | 162 responses -
Can you give me a trendy girl's name that begins with the letter K?
Asked by keobooks | 136 responses -
What, in your opinion, should (a) wannabe parent(s) ask themselves sincerely, before they'd decide to 'have' a child?
Asked by rebbel | 33 responses -
Do you think people should be permitted to have "designer babies"?
Asked by nikipedia | 46 responses -
How does one overcome regret for a difficult life decision?
Asked by audball | 11 responses -
How do I tone down the baby envy?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 23 responses -
Why are there so many men gynecologist's?
Asked by shego from iPhone | 45 responses -
Are boy embyos or fetuses sturdier than girl ones?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 18 responses -
Do you want to eat children?
Asked by ubersiren | 44 responses -
How far back in your life can you remember?
Asked by klaas4 | 32 responses -
How long after a child is born are pro-life help services involved with its life?
Asked by sweetsweetstephy | 8 responses -
How did you come to a firm decision about whether or not to have kids?
Asked by nikipedia | 32 responses