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What sport could become one of America's newest favorites?
Asked by erichw1504 | 26 responses -
Why is it called "The World Series"?
Asked by angelld | 56 responses -
Will the shortened Baseball season cause a dangerous change in strategy?
Asked by filmfann | 1 response -
Could it be Spring in the snowy air?
Asked by dpworkin | 18 responses -
Do the Cubs have to Win the World Series to break the curse?
Asked by majorrich | 21 responses -
The best team money can buy: does that feel right to you?
Asked by wundayatta | 10 responses -
Who's excited for the MLB postseason (2010)?
Asked by erichw1504 | 53 responses -
Are you finding it difficult to adjust to Houston as an A.L. team?
Asked by SadieMartinPaul | 13 responses -
Why did Shane Victorino get thrown out of todays baseball game?
Asked by FiRE_MaN | 5 responses -
Which would you watch? Two events going on in Cleveland tonight.
Asked by elbanditoroso | 6 responses -
Who will manage the 2012 All Star Game for the National League?
Asked by filmfann | 1 response -
Is it required for a baseball player to use a glove?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 15 responses -
How is the Atlanta Braves tomahawk chant not racist?
Asked by Caravanfan | 20 responses -
After a ground out, who does the first baseman throw to?
Asked by loupus | 2 responses -
Does anyone even watch/follow baseball any more? (I do)
Asked by yankeetooter | 26 responses -
Care to participate in a running commentary on Game 1 of the World Series?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 29 responses -
Can anyone here give me some tips on fantasy baseball?
Asked by weeveeship | 3 responses -
Can the World Series (baseball) be a statistical forecast for the Presidential Elections?
Asked by Strauss from iPhone | 20 responses -
Why do people watch sport?
Asked by Otto_King | 19 responses -
Did the Trump entourage (and the secret service of course) pay for their baseball tickets at last night's World Series game?
Asked by elbanditoroso | 14 responses -
Can a person catch a fastball?
Asked by Unbroken | 18 responses -
Why is "Sweet Adeline" played at Red Sox games?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 11 responses -
Do you think a ballpark should have the right to throw you out for not "being patriotic enough?"?
Asked by GeorgeGee | 67 responses -
When have you ever seen perfection?
Asked by Rarebear | 35 responses -
Does a tobacco chewer repulse you?
Asked by charliecompany34 | 56 responses