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When you have work done in your home do you have a problem w/ the construction workers using your bathroom?
Asked by Snoopy | 13 responses -
When your in the bathroom and someone knocks on the door, what the proper response?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 39 responses -
Why does soap lather less as it gets smaller?
Asked by stratman37 | 5 responses -
Do you have any little quarks that need to be fixed or changed when you see them?
Asked by willbrawn | 15 responses -
I have a coworker who talks on his cell phone while he's using the restroom -- does anyone else think that's weird?
Asked by Rickisgirl | 23 responses -
How many times a day do you go #1?
Asked by Magnus | 13 responses -
Bathroom renovation ideas?
Asked by celticsfan2008 | 8 responses -
What's your favorite Bath & Body Works (etc) scent?
Asked by poofandmook | 18 responses -
Do you prefer a hard or cushy toilet seat?
Asked by sferik | 38 responses -
Where can I buy Andrex toilet paper in San Francisco?
Asked by sferik | 4 responses -
What's the best toilet paper in the world?
Asked by sferik | 17 responses -
What happens when you flush a toilet on the equator?
Asked by intro24 | 9 responses -
Reading while going to the bathroom?
Asked by esayexohen | 30 responses -
Why do i have to pee more when im colder?
Asked by Mtl_zack | 1 response -
What's the best way to clean glass out of my bathtub?
Asked by occ | 12 responses -
When is leaving my laptop on more energy-efficient than putting it to sleep?
Asked by santheo | 10 responses -
Why do some bathroom appliances (hair drier, electric ravors, ect) have those buttons on the plug?
Asked by simone54 | 2 responses -
Great Ideas...
Asked by babygalll | 6 responses -
why is the bathroom referred to as the head by some
Asked by bradmdav from iPhone | 2 responses -
Name 7 reasons not to take your iPhone into the bathroom.
Asked by squirbel from iPhone | 6 responses -
any tips on re-grouting bathroom shower tiles?
Asked by surlygirl | 2 responses -
How do you decide which toilet stall to use in a public restroom?
Asked by alterego | 24 responses -
Fighting fire with fire: Can lighting a match really deodorize a bathroom?
Asked by sndfreQ from iPhone | 8 responses -
How do you sit on a toilet while wearing a bathrobe?
Asked by sferik | 5 responses -
Was the toilet really invented by a guy named "John Crapper"?
Asked by MacHacker from iPhone | 4 responses