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What are you sure of?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 40 responses -
Is it necessary to discredit religious or theistic belief?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 37 responses -
Do you hold any beliefs that you refuse to reconsider? Why?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 40 responses -
Has comedy provided a better vehicle to discuss "god" than religion?
Asked by iamthemob | 28 responses -
What does it feel like to believe in God (s)?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 47 responses -
How much of Christianity is based on myths common to Mediterranean religions of the era?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 33 responses -
Let's get it straight once and for all: God is...
Asked by zen_ | 285 responses -
What if, your desired things don't happen as expected? What would you do?
Asked by 9doomedtodie | 12 responses -
What do people mean when they ask "why"?
Asked by iamthemob | 17 responses -
How can you not believe in belief?
Asked by ETpro | 51 responses -
Are atheists kidding themselves?
Asked by iamthemob | 310 responses -
Has an atheist ever converted to a very devout, or conservative religious person?
Asked by Blackberry | 35 responses -
What did you believe as a child that shocked you when you discovered it wasn't true?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 36 responses -
Are you interested in anything you don't particularly believe in?
Asked by DominicX | 30 responses -
Have you read The Four Agreements?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 11 responses -
If you saw something that was outside of reality (like a dragon, a flying person, something incredibly hard to believe), what do you think would be the first thing you did afterward?
Asked by jca | 35 responses -
Why are certain things expressed as a matter of belief instead of a hunch?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 25 responses -
What is God?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 261 responses -
What are some of the reasons a person becomes an Athiest?
Asked by RANGIEBABY | 210 responses -
Have you ever felt the presence of God?
Asked by amazingme | 46 responses -
How far do you take "the blood is thicker than the mud" in backing family members?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 19 responses -
If you lost your way in life, how did you get back on track?
Asked by RANGIEBABY | 30 responses -
Do you think the worst of us survive?
Asked by JeanPaulSartre | 32 responses -
What are some functional responses to my concerns? (Or how do I learn to stop worrying and love the bomb?) Or maybe this is a question about vocation.
Asked by kevbo | 28 responses -
Have you heard the saying that truth is in the eye of the beholder?
Asked by KeithWilson | 27 responses