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Why don't we make US bills different sizes for blind people?
Asked by Kurtosis | 10 responses -
If you were Cara's parent, & saw the results of THIS on the cellphone bill, how would you respond & punish her?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 46 responses -
How does one pay their bills when in prison?
Asked by AshlynM | 8 responses -
Should I just pay all the bills and be done with it?
Asked by JLeslie | 81 responses -
Can someone please explain the "internet blacklist bill" to me?
Asked by ANef_is_Enuf | 24 responses -
Do you use illustrated checks?
Asked by filmfann | 24 responses -
Where online can I find a summary/break down of the health care bill?
Asked by curiouscatt | 18 responses -
Is it illegal to throw out money (coins, paper bills)?
Asked by theabk | 17 responses -
Can someone explain "tort reform" to me as simply as possible?
Asked by bittercritter | 35 responses -
Any tips on how to cut the cost of your electric bill?
Asked by Jude | 27 responses -
How much salary is enough?
Asked by rebbel | 36 responses -
How much does the average heating bill for hell come to?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 16 responses -
If the government shuts down, will other agencies take that in consideration?
Asked by miki | 15 responses -
If God or, the church, was to give individuals a bill at the end of their life what would the bill be?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 21 responses -
Who do you think is responsible to pay the bill in this scenario?
Asked by jca2 | 21 responses -
What is the SOPA bill?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 12 responses -
How come so many people pay extraordinary prices for mobile devices and plans?
Asked by ubersiren | 38 responses -
I am nineteen and looking into getting a house rather than renting- help?
Asked by Serevaetse | 12 responses -
Does Trump actively instruct his accountants not to pay the campaign bills?
Asked by Dutchess_lll | 11 responses -
Why is it shameful to borrow money?
Asked by nikipedia | 20 responses -
What are all the things that a person isn't paying for any more when they go to assisted living?
Asked by Jeruba | 18 responses -
Will Cannabis be the saviour of the US?
Asked by Waffle | 50 responses -
What is the plan for British and Commonwealth money after the Queen passes?
Asked by Mamradpivo | 9 responses -
Should the U.S. Senate eliminate the filibuster?
Asked by LostInParadise | 14 responses -
Do you check every charge on your CC bill--and question any you don't recognize?
Asked by Jeruba | 23 responses