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Do mosquitos ever bite needlessly?
Asked by Ltryptophan from iPhone | 6 responses -
What additional findings have been discovered after Darwin (in reference to evolution)?
Asked by NerdyKeith | 11 responses -
Do other / all female mammals go through menopause?
Asked by kelly | 3 responses -
Where does ethics come from?
Asked by lilikoi | 37 responses -
What did robitussin do to my body last night?
Asked by jabag11 | 16 responses -
Why do sneezes mostly (but not always) come in twos?
Asked by nebule | 11 responses -
Turkey sandwich in the fridge for a week...still safe to eat?
Asked by Sandwichdude | 22 responses -
Are you ready for synthetic life forms?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 8 responses -
Is it possible that identical twins are genetically superior beings?
Asked by KatawaGrey | 15 responses -
Is the theory of evolution falsifiable?
Asked by LostInParadise | 14 responses -
How does hair curliness work?
Asked by Fyrius | 5 responses -
Is sweat necessarily unclean?
Asked by longtresses | 9 responses -
Can someone explain to me (in simple terms) this aspect of animal reproduction [see details]?
Asked by Seelix | 13 responses -
Where can I find a (downloadable) program which contains a model of the brain with all its part's labeled?
Asked by Ame_Evil | 9 responses -
Does wearing a hoodie elevate your brain temperature?
Asked by jabag11 | 22 responses -
Can you hurt yourself with a 'brain freeze'?
Asked by ibstubro | 14 responses -
Are these side effects very serious?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 14 responses -
Why do I have to pee right after having a glass of water (NSFW)?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 15 responses -
Why does algae seem to have the ability to spontaneously generate?
Asked by El_Cadejo | 11 responses -
What is the difference between a zygote and a newborn in the context of the word "person"?
Asked by chefl | 43 responses -
If you were to cut off the tips of 2 of your fingers, and pressed them together, would they fuse over time?
Asked by ragingloli | 7 responses -
Do you laugh more when with others?
Asked by longgone | 10 responses -
Why do spiders get caught in other spider's webs?
Asked by MrGrimm888 | 6 responses -
What does the "junk" DNA do?
Asked by finkelitis | 5 responses -
What's happening when you sneeze?
Asked by omfgTALIjustIMDu | 10 responses