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Can animals detect illness?
Asked by nebule | 35 responses -
Can any generalisations be made about the psychological reasons for why some people are anorexic whilst others are bulimic?
Asked by nebule | 6 responses -
Why do we love?
Asked by TheOnlyException | 34 responses -
Why are astronomy and physics, unlike other sciences, so popular?
Asked by Sanger | 7 responses -
Why do bugs legs curl up when they die?
Asked by Isssyyy from iPhone | 7 responses -
How does the human brain do math?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 7 responses -
Can there be a science of morality?
Asked by LostInParadise | 20 responses -
Why do some fruits have a groove on the side them?
Asked by arnbev959 | 10 responses -
What are these strange patterns behind my eyes?
Asked by nebule | 24 responses -
When thinking about gender, do your thoughts move into an empirical, biological direction or a direction having to do with social constructs?
Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir | 43 responses -
Why doesn't water go up your butt in the bathtub?
Asked by scienceNYC | 39 responses -
Need help identifying this beach find?
Asked by Dog | 33 responses -
Why do we laugh?
Asked by olbap from iPhone | 15 responses -
I think I thought of a question, finally. Where are the places you do or do not hit on a person?
Asked by Blackberry | 27 responses -
Biological effect of chronic anxiety on the body?
Asked by tan253 | 21 responses -
Why is it that sometimes mosquitoes are attracted to one person and not others?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 15 responses -
Are there any publishing scientists here at fluther?
Asked by AdamF | 26 responses -
[NSFW] Girls, do you prefer uncircumcised or circumcised penises?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 29 responses -
Why do insects always die on their back?
Asked by FireMadeFlesh | 27 responses -
Are humans the only animals with a sense of humor?
Asked by Poser | 28 responses -
Why are so many organisms symmetrical?
Asked by Hobbes | 14 responses -
If dogs could fly, how big and what kind of wings would they have?
Asked by gorillapaws | 10 responses -
Why does the act of reading trigger the larynx? Do you speed read?
Asked by kevbo from iPhone | 21 responses -
Do you think the fact that we always "google" things when we can't remember them, as opposed to waking up with the answer at 3 a.m., is somehow not exercising a part of our brain? Maybe we're supposed to work on it for a while...
Asked by smajoros | 22 responses -
What biological aspects that cause one species to live longer than another species?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 11 responses