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Did you know I had a little girl? Would you like to see some pictures?
Asked by bulbatron9 | 66 responses -
What was the very first thought that went through your head when you saw your newborn baby for the very first time?
Asked by keobooks | 23 responses -
Are boy embyos or fetuses sturdier than girl ones?
Asked by AstroChuck from iPhone | 18 responses -
If the soul enters at conception, then where does it reside?
Asked by Seek | 13 responses -
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Asked by Khajuria9 | 32 responses -
Is pro life a lie?
Asked by Pandora | 26 responses -
Does the prevalence of hospital births versus home births make sense?
Asked by iamthemob | 17 responses -
Can we play a guessing game?
Asked by Judi from iPhone | 108 responses -
Why are people private about their ages?
Asked by girlofscience | 98 responses -
How or Who give names a meaning?
Asked by casheroo | 15 responses -
What would you do if you had a baby born without a brain?
Asked by keobooks | 36 responses -
How severe would health problems have to be for you to terminate a pregnancy?
Asked by nikipedia | 17 responses -
Has having children made you a wimp, or is it just me?
Asked by ubersiren | 28 responses -
My neighbor just died from giving child birth , why ?
Asked by Pattijo | 27 responses -
About how far do you live right now in relation to where you were born?
Asked by jca | 47 responses -
Apparently, gender reveal parties are the new thing. Thoughts?
Asked by JackofHearts from iPhone | 32 responses -
What's worse: Giving birth, or getting kicked in the balls?
Asked by mirza | 75 responses -
OK, how many folks on Fluther believe that pregnancy begins two weeks BEFORE conception?
Asked by Kayak8 | 68 responses -
What would be some nice, soothing (and distracting!) music to listen to while in labor?
Asked by casheroo | 28 responses -
On a lighter note, do we have any births or upcoming births coming into jelly homes?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 15 responses -
Supposing you had the ability to reason and talk on your way out of mum's birth canal, what would your first words be as you greeted the light of the delivery room?
Asked by ZEPHYRA | 26 responses -
What are the pros and cons of adopting (as opposed to birthing) a child?
Asked by girlofscience | 26 responses -
Where were you born, in a hospital at home or maybe en route, somewhere in-between?
Asked by ucme | 30 responses -
What are your thoughts on having one child vs. more than one child?
Asked by erichw1504 | 54 responses -
Given a chance would you like to be a man or a woman again? Why or why not?
Asked by gamefu91 | 22 responses