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Does anyone have experience with peak flow meters? I have some questions about what's considered "normal". (read on) questions about?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 5 responses -
Do cooked fresh jalapeno peppers cause bad breath?
Asked by DandyDear711 | 3 responses -
What's the best way to start exercising again?
Asked by cinddmel | 7 responses -
Will Helium mess up my lungs for a long time?
Asked by Spidermanrulezzz | 4 responses -
When you breathe in, does your belly expand, or your chest?
Asked by ragingloli | 54 responses -
Have you ever had smelling salts used on you?
Asked by brownlemur | 1 response -
Folks with Asthma: Ever been denied a rescue inhaler?
Asked by geeky_mama | 7 responses -
What is the best breathing method while working out?
Asked by JonnyCeltics | 8 responses -
What can I do to reduce my coughing?
Asked by Vincentt | 20 responses -
How long does marijuana stay on your breath?
Asked by iceblu | 20 responses -
Nasal Spray addiction. What should I do?
Asked by rawpixels | 7 responses -
Has anyone here ever had a septoplasty and/or turbinate reduction operation?
Asked by shrubbery | 11 responses -
Why do we emit Carbon Dioxide when we breathe?
Asked by TikiGooseyVee from iPhone | 2 responses -
Is there a breath odor caused by food that you just can't stand?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 14 responses -
Are there any breathing techniques / thinking strategies that help you stay cool when you are hot?
Asked by jfos | 11 responses -
How many lungs does a human have ?
Asked by superjuicebox | 14 responses -
How can I treat my (possible) sinus infection?
Asked by sevenfourteen | 12 responses -
How can I bring more oxygen to my blood?
Asked by jabag11 | 15 responses -
What parts of the body are most affected by COVID 19 other than the lungs and the heart?
Asked by flo | 7 responses -
A friend of mine needs medical help.
Asked by cage | 15 responses -
Is this a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning?
Asked by Draconess25 | 9 responses -
Where can I buy a cheap reborn baby doll that breathes?
Asked by chickadee | 2 responses -
I need help with singing... (!)
Asked by fathippo | 8 responses -
Have you ever enjoyed a drink so well that you forgot to breathe?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 4 responses