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Have you ever intentionally killed a ladybug?
Asked by jrpowell | 64 responses -
Has anyone else lost lurve?
Asked by snowberry | 73 responses -
Can bugs crawl back out of the vacuum?
Asked by EmpressPixie | 26 responses -
How long can a bee stay frozen?
Asked by AceSpadez | 16 responses -
Can You Help Me Find this Fluther Question?
Asked by RedPowerLady | 17 responses -
Will a cattle prod kill the mosquito larvae in my standing water?
Asked by Drgrafenbergmd | 14 responses -
Why do bugs legs curl up when they die?
Asked by Isssyyy from iPhone | 7 responses -
Help! My trash can is full of maggots!
Asked by Coloma | 39 responses -
Calling all Fluther arachnophobes! How do you handle the "missing spider situation?"?
Asked by Mariah | 57 responses -
Why is it that sometimes mosquitoes are attracted to one person and not others?
Asked by ScottyMcGeester | 15 responses -
What the !@*( is this in my fish tank?
Asked by SofaKingWright | 15 responses -
Are you having any trouble posting or chatting on Fluther?
Asked by Dog | 7 responses -
Why don't butterflies try to get indoors?
Asked by ibstubro | 10 responses -
Do you rescue insects or feed spiders?
Asked by buster | 30 responses -
What is wrong with my chicken?
Asked by KRD | 11 responses -
Why do websites develop glitches?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 20 responses -
Which bugs/insects were or were not on the Ark?
Asked by Jenniehowell | 23 responses -
What's the worst place you've found a bug?
Asked by ubersiren | 70 responses -
Do you think life has a different taste than death?
Asked by girlofscience | 32 responses -
Urgent help identifying ants?
Asked by DrasticDreamer | 31 responses -
Gardeners: how close is too close?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 35 responses -
How do they clean the bug poop off of herbs that are being dried and packaged for commercial sale?
Asked by Jeruba | 11 responses -
How can Flickr fail at this?
Asked by ben | 8 responses -
Would you rather eat at Bug Buffet or Gourmet Poop?
Asked by girlofscience | 53 responses -
What unusual thing have you found out about spiders (or bugs in general)?
Asked by snowberry | 41 responses