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In your job do you have the freedom to sleep, or sit down, when you are tired and eat when you are hungry?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 14 responses -
Have you had more success in relationships with people who have careers similar to yours, or completely the opposite from you?
Asked by Emilyy | 26 responses -
What difference is there in the work of a Solicitor and a Barrister?
Asked by MilkyWay | 5 responses -
When and what was your last great initiative?
Asked by zenzen | 20 responses -
Are there any funeral directors or morticans on Fluther that'd be willing to tell me about their jobs?
Asked by spittingamethyst | 9 responses -
What jobs would you say would be good for deaf or hard of hearing?
Asked by jdhorkan | 18 responses -
Do I choose a big company or a startup to start a new life in another country?
Asked by mests | 17 responses -
What professions are really needed in the US right now?
Asked by Carly | 14 responses -
Career woman vs stay-at-home mom which direction do you lean?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 50 responses -
How do people stay above water, financially? How hard was it for you, is it still hard?
Asked by partyrock | 9 responses -
What was your college major?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 25 responses -
How do I overcome putting too much pressure on myself?
Asked by jlk2525 | 7 responses -
How do you think outside the box? Can it even be learned/practiced?
Asked by glenjamin | 19 responses -
ISTP's (Myers Briggs) - What do you do for a living?
Asked by lilikoi | 9 responses -
Does anyone out there have a job for me?
Asked by Blondesjon | 26 responses -
When is going back to school too late or unfeasable?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 26 responses -
Random poll: What creative talents have you given more time to while in COVID lockdown?
Asked by JLoon | 11 responses -
Are you living up to your full potential?
Asked by bkburbo | 47 responses -
What job or career would you hope your child/children never get into or involved with?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 32 responses -
Alright, really, what CAN you do with a degree in history?
Asked by MyNewtBoobs | 33 responses -
How does one become an ambassador?
Asked by augustlan | 8 responses -
Is your job healthy?
Asked by lilikoi | 17 responses -
Can you provide some career change suggestions?
Asked by KhiaKarma from iPhone | 8 responses -
Should I tell my friend the truth and take the risk?
Asked by somechick4321 | 28 responses -
What industries are hiring right now, and which are firing?
Asked by bkburbo | 8 responses