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What can I do, other than continuing to pay huge vet bills about my 5 year old spayed female cat who keeps getting urinary tract infections?
Asked by jca | 17 responses -
Which cartoon cat gets your vote as the champion of the animated felines?
Asked by ucme | 44 responses -
How do I get my cat to quit disrupting our sleep?
Asked by deni | 12 responses -
Is it me, or has there been a recent increase in the number of questions about cats?
Asked by bob_ | 27 responses -
How much will this vet work cost?
Asked by tedd | 7 responses -
My neutered cat was humping my spayed cat- isn't that abnormal?
Asked by WillWorkForChocolate | 11 responses -
How to stop a hyper kitten from attacking older cat?
Asked by skibianka | 6 responses -
If a cat bites you (gently) on the arm or foot in the morning, what does it mean?
Asked by marymaryquitecontrary | 50 responses -
Cat emergency, some advice?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 13 responses -
What kind of cat is the best to have when you want a sociable lap cat?
Asked by kissmesoftly | 13 responses -
How can cats think that licking themselves makes them cleaner?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 18 responses -
Why do cats shake their butts before pouncing?
Asked by daytonamisticrip | 12 responses -
Why are cats not sensitive to tickling?
Asked by rebbel | 17 responses -
Know of any cat groomers in San Francisco?
Asked by SamIAm | 3 responses -
Why is Misty mean to Angel? (Cats)
Asked by sliceswiththings | 7 responses -
What can I do about my allergy to my cats?
Asked by Plucky | 8 responses -
What is it that cats feel when in heat, what sensation is it?
Asked by kimvaughn | 10 responses -
Cat peeing on the bed... again... only this time, I'm sleeping in it.
Asked by poofandmook | 22 responses -
What can i do if my 2 year old cat keeps pooping on my carpet?
Asked by astein | 6 responses -
How can I keep my cats from chewing up all the wires behind the computer!
Asked by Akua | 15 responses -
Help! My cat started pooping/peeing outside the litterbox! What should I do?
Asked by eternal_serenity | 7 responses -
My cat got into a fight with a stray and her ear is all messed up - how can I clean it?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 9 responses -
Help! My new male cat is attacking one of my female cats.
Asked by sabbycat | 9 responses -
Why are cats so much more incredibly awesome than dogs?
Asked by crazyivan | 43 responses -
What would cause matted hair with a cat?
Asked by mrentropy | 8 responses