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What are the side effects of declawing a cat?
Asked by Sunsetseast from iPhone | 24 responses -
Is it cruel to shave a cat?
Asked by augustlan | 54 responses -
Why does my cat knead her paws/claws into things?
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 11 responses -
Cat has a urinary infection... I think?
Asked by poofandmook | 31 responses -
Too bomb the house or not to bomb the house... That is the question.
Asked by judochop from iPhone | 14 responses -
What funny, eccentric things do your cats do?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 45 responses -
I need advice about air travel with two cats, any suggestions?
Asked by SamIAm | 10 responses -
Would you let a cat or dog go free in the wild?
Asked by RedPowerLady | 43 responses -
Is my cat sick? She howls if I even touch her.
Asked by troubleinharlem from iPhone | 10 responses -
Cats: are there an infinite number of fur, color and texture combinations?
Asked by tinyfaery from iPhone | 25 responses -
When a cat urinates a on a new baby's things, is this supposed to be taken as a threat (or maybe just jealousy)?
Asked by turtlegrrrl | 5 responses -
What are the symptoms of cat scratch fever?
Asked by davidk | 7 responses -
Does anyone recommend or have tried the cat nail caps? Which brand if any would you recommend?
Asked by Elerie | 23 responses -
Is it possible for a cat to get depressed?
Asked by sarahny | 17 responses -
Is there a doo-dad I can find to keep a door slighty ajar?
Asked by andrew from iPhone | 13 responses -
Why would our cats prefer the junky cat food over the high quality one?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 32 responses -
How can I get my cat to stop eating my bamboo?
Asked by DesireeCassandra | 9 responses -
My new kitten needs a name. What suggestions do you have?
Asked by wickedbetty | 62 responses -
On a black cat, which eye color is creepiest?
Asked by ParaParaYukiko | 39 responses -
What kind of cat (sex, age) is best to bring into a home that already has a cat?
Asked by wickedbetty | 17 responses -
Why does my Siamese poo outside his box?
Asked by Jaybee from iPhone | 14 responses -
My cat growls and hides from me?
Asked by sparkytheoutlaw | 17 responses -
My cat is sick, how can I treat him?
Asked by Ailia | 20 responses -
Why do cats bury their crap?
Asked by buster | 24 responses -
Why can a cat look in the mirror and not be freaked out?
Asked by JulieJewel | 8 responses