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Burns Night celebratory question no. 3...
Asked by harple | 50 responses -
Burns Night celebratory question no. 2...
Asked by harple | 36 responses -
Burns Night celebratory question no. 1...
Asked by harple | 19 responses -
Is the mansion getting crusty? Is it growing a barnacle?
Asked by syz | 45 responses -
Looking for an uptempo song for a wedding first dance with loving theme—can anyone suggest a good song?
Asked by radiantfalco | 11 responses -
Who wants to join me in welcoming the world's manliest kite flier into the 10k Mansion?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 50 responses -
Should people who shoot guns in the air in an urban setting be charged with attempted murder, or voluntary manslaughter?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 20 responses -
What cat just fell out of the family tree, and into the 10K mansion?
Asked by filmfann | 41 responses -
How was your New Year's celebration?
Asked by Carly | 37 responses -
Is anyone else still here tonight?
Asked by SavoirFaire | 74 responses -
How did New Year's Eve become such a party night?
Asked by wundayatta | 14 responses -
For those not going out to a New Year's Eve party, what will you do for New Year's Eve?
Asked by jca | 34 responses -
In retrospect... how was the year for you?
Asked by belakyre | 14 responses -
What was the first thing you did, or dreamed of doing, once your braces were removed?
Asked by tranquilsea | 24 responses -
New years eve at the stroke of midnight : Where do you anticipate being at that time & who will be sharing your company?
Asked by ucme | 29 responses -
We're about to have a barking good time! DOG just made it to the 20 Puppy Mansion!
Asked by Allie | 80 responses -
What's your guess on what day and time this Fluther party, party will take place?
Asked by AmWiser | 11 responses -
What old dog just earned a new trick?
Asked by filmfann | 56 responses -
Who will be simultaneously watching the total lunar eclipse (1:33 AM EST) and celebrating the winter solstice (6:38 PM EST) on Tuesday?
Asked by gailcalled | 18 responses -
For those who do, when are you putting up your Christmas tree this year?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 25 responses -
Can I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving (even those of you who aren't celebrating it this year)?
Asked by Seaofclouds | 56 responses -
OMG! Has The Mob overrun the mansion?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 109 responses -
What beautiful and delicious fruity flowery jelly has just made it into the mansion?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 65 responses -
How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
Asked by KTWBE | 25 responses -
Have you ever been away from your family for the holidays (Christmas). If so, what was it like?
Asked by Jude | 19 responses