Celebrities are people that are recognized as being famous.
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Who was famous in the first century besides the emperors?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 15 responses -
Who's your unconventional celebrity crush?
Asked by Seelix | 60 responses -
Which celebrity/famous person do you think is better looking now than when they were younger?
Asked by Jellie | 32 responses -
Who do you think is the craziest celebrity?
Asked by cockswain | 23 responses -
Collective memory question: how soon do we forgive... (insert your celebrity here, and then add the time it takes, in your opinion, to forgive them).
Asked by _zen_ | 8 responses -
If you are a Hollywood star, which superhero would you like to portray in the big screen?
Asked by mazingerz88 | 14 responses -
Is the code word for blonde, Caucasian female Jennifer Aniston?
Asked by jonsblond | 62 responses -
NSFW: Which celebrity would you actually sleep with?
Asked by QueenOfNowhere | 62 responses -
Ladies: which celebrity crush of yours came out and totally broke your heart?
Asked by redfeather from iPhone | 36 responses -
Would you be so bold as to ask your celebrity crush out on a date?
Asked by SpatzieLover | 32 responses -
Can you replace a word in a famous quote with "jelly"?
Asked by erichw1504 | 214 responses -
Death of someone famous; was there one that shook you up?
Asked by Jude | 68 responses -
Where can I see celebrities in London between June 29th and July 3rd?
Asked by sruffini | 4 responses -
Modern day tragic heroes?
Asked by bubba3778 | 17 responses -
What popular celebrities were born on your birthday?
Asked by erichw1504 | 50 responses -
Which celebrity should I dress as?
Asked by tianalovesyou | 13 responses -
Would you say that she has a ‘crush’ or that she’s ‘obsessed’?
Asked by christine215 | 19 responses -
If famous people used Fluther, what questions would they ask?
Asked by bob_ | 111 responses -
Where is the wall in California where you can see Marilyn Monroe's image along with other celebrities?
Asked by f4a | 6 responses -
Who are some people that are so famous, you would expect everyone to know who they are?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 24 responses -
If someone else took the stand to announce another's misfortune (like Obama did on TV), who would it be and what would they say?
Asked by erichw1504 | 13 responses -
If you could roast any celebrity, who would it be and what would you say?
Asked by erichw1504 | 16 responses -
What celebrity or famous person do you find really hard to tolerate?
Asked by jca | 41 responses -
What are some examples of audiences helping celebrities?
Asked by sushilovinfun | 5 responses -
How do I find an agent as a celebrity look-a-like?
Asked by iLove | 7 responses