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What would you do if you knew your partner was cheating?
Asked by Lothloriengaladriel | 58 responses -
Am I terrible for cheating on my boyfriend?
Asked by Kelci33 from iPhone | 32 responses -
Who cheats more....women or men?
Asked by cornbird | 27 responses -
Why do people think that citing a worse offense somehow excuses their transgressions?
Asked by YARNLADY | 14 responses -
Should I give her one last chance?
Asked by odali | 133 responses -
When do children realise what a lie is?
Asked by Sandydog from iPhone | 13 responses -
For those in long-term relationships how do you handle the occassional crush?
Asked by blue42 | 23 responses -
Would you ever, under any circumstances consider cheating on your partner?
Asked by max53 | 57 responses -
So what do you do when you find evidence that you've been cheated on (at least once)?
Asked by Syger | 32 responses -
Is participating in cybersex with someone other than your SO cheating?
Asked by max53 | 62 responses -
Should i feel guilty for sleeping with a man who is engaged?
Asked by amarte87 | 48 responses -
Can you please tell me what to do about my ex-brother-in-law?
Asked by newbee | 30 responses -
Would you guys think my bf is cheating on me?
Asked by eLenaLicious | 28 responses -
Does it make a difference if your spouse cheats only online, but never in person?
Asked by wundayatta | 34 responses -
How much does the other person's reported reality matter to you?
Asked by wundayatta | 35 responses -
Do you think that its fair to ignore the votes of all of the people that voted for these groups?
Asked by Spirit_of_the_Nomad | 10 responses -
Adult you think cybersex is cheating?
Asked by TominLasVegas | 22 responses -
Have you ever had the opportunity to cheat on your spouse or SO and turned it down?
Asked by dalepetrie | 56 responses -
Should your S/O allow you to have one affair per year?
Asked by Gossamer | 24 responses -
Do you know of any instance where cheating helped a broken relationship heal or made a weak relationship better?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 11 responses -
Should I tell someone I cheated with the boyfriend?
Asked by lynlyn | 26 responses -
Why does it seem like same-sex couples do not have the same amount of concern over monogamy and keeping a partner as hetero couples?
Asked by tinyfaery | 45 responses -
Why do men with beautiful, intelligent wives have extra-marital affairs?
Asked by davidk | 59 responses -
Why do people cheat on each other?
Asked by The_Inquisitor | 15 responses -
What are your thoughts on open relationships?
Asked by mowens | 57 responses