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Do you think that birds eventually realize that their eggs contain babies?
Asked by LostInParadise | 25 responses -
Did you know that other creatures, even other mammals, do not risk their death because of pregnancy, human beings do?
Asked by luigirovatti | 11 responses -
Why is having children or getting married almost seen as a necessity?
Asked by MakeItSo1701 | 54 responses -
Is the Handmaids Tale how you envision the US if the religious right were to be in complete control?
Asked by KNOWITALL | 49 responses -
[NSFW] A delicate question: Can a woman make love while pregnant?
Asked by luigirovatti | 20 responses -
Why is childbirth so dangerous to U.S. women?
Asked by 2davidc8 | 8 responses -
[Science and the world of tomorrow] Limited sentient female automatons, how relevant would that leave women in regard to men in general?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 31 responses -
Past my due date and need some encouragement?
Asked by livingchoice | 38 responses -
Why do people film births?
Asked by Pandora | 17 responses -
Mothers, how quickly did you dilate?
Asked by fluthernutter from iPhone | 30 responses -
Why do people tell me this is a selfish reason to not want a pregnacy?
Asked by LeavesNoTrace | 42 responses -
To the ECE teachers...What if we grabbed a neanderthal baby?
Asked by janedelila | 7 responses -
Are single dads really all that bad?
Asked by RandomMrdan | 51 responses -
Please help me make a list of things to do before the baby arrives!
Asked by Cupcake | 21 responses -
Can you help me understand why a 45 year old woman with 19 kids already, who has previously had two miscarriages, would want to continue getting pregnant?
Asked by jca | 52 responses -
If it were scientifically possible to determine that your unborn child had an 87% chance at becoming a psychopath, but you had the option of genetically correcting it, would you do it?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 56 responses -
What do you think of home birth?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 40 responses -
Why is PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) a bad thing to use for gender selection of your child?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 15 responses -
What was the very first thought that went through your head when you saw your newborn baby for the very first time?
Asked by keobooks | 23 responses -
Moms: Did you get a "push present" after delivering? Everyone else, have you even HEARD of this before?
Asked by keobooks | 41 responses -
How painful will labor be without an epidural?
Asked by ItalianPrincess1217 from iPhone | 15 responses -
Will any jellies be trying to give birth on 11/11/11?
Asked by Cupcake | 17 responses -
What's the hardest part of being a woman?
Asked by JDJones | 99 responses -
I'm stuck! Please tell me your favourite non-religious boys names?
Asked by Mat74UK | 50 responses -
What does the term "baby pangs" mean?
Asked by Carly | 7 responses