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Who do your childhood belongings belong to?
Asked by casheroo | 59 responses -
What funny examples can you recall as a kid when you misread a word?
Asked by ucme | 36 responses -
How do you tell one or both of your parents that they have failed you?
Asked by Holden_Caulfield | 60 responses -
Harmless and silly words you thought were really rude when you were a kid - or that kids you know giggle about.
Asked by zookeeny | 28 responses -
How much allowance you get/used to get in a month?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 33 responses -
What are some games you played in the street as a child that you don't see kids play anymore?
Asked by ucme | 51 responses -
What were some of your favourite books when you were a child?
Asked by ucme | 48 responses -
What does it mean to grow up?
Asked by Snarp | 17 responses -
What attributes do you think fathers naturally teach their sons?
Asked by nebule | 50 responses -
Are there any disadvantages to being born on Y2K?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 19 responses -
How do you recall your parents and childhood, good or not-so-good?
Asked by Owl | 15 responses -
What is something that you know that now you know it your life is better for it?
Asked by zookeeny | 57 responses -
What is something that happened when you were a child that will live in your memory forever?
Asked by ucme | 30 responses -
Is there anything you could do when you were a child that you can't do it anymore now?
Asked by Your_Majesty | 42 responses -
How can I help my daughter boost her self esteem?
Asked by captainfluffypaws | 21 responses -
I need advice on which clutter to keep and what can be thrown away - eg photos, tickets, certificates etc?
Asked by zookeeny | 14 responses -
What is your worst childhood memory?
Asked by hungertoragejr | 41 responses -
Games played at school or in the street as a child often came with a song or rhyme attached.Can you remember any from your chidhood?
Asked by ucme | 43 responses -
When did you last fly a kite?
Asked by Zen_Again | 25 responses -
Can you tell us a story about your parents getting mad at you?
Asked by Berserker | 26 responses -
Can a 5-year-old still be prosecuted for identity theft?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 22 responses -
My protagonist in a second childhood novel will use his credit & debit card from his previous life. What happens later?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 9 responses -
What cellphones were made for children by January 1, 2005? (Whether for Japanese, Korean, or American markets)?
Asked by EgaoNoGenki | 4 responses -
Ladies: Were you considered a tomboy when you were younger?
Asked by ubersiren | 46 responses -
Did you used to climb trees when you were a kid?
Asked by JustPlainBarb | 30 responses