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What program did they use to make Katy Perry's Music Video: Wide Awake?
Asked by justin5824 | 3 responses -
Have you seen Prometheus yet? What did you think? (Alien fans and new-comers)
Asked by shrubbery | 14 responses -
You are stuck in a cabin for two years. What five movies would you take with you? Part two!
Asked by AshLeigh | 33 responses -
Can you recommend a scary movie based on the question details?
Asked by poisonedantidote | 12 responses -
Has anyone seen Melancholia? What did you think of it?
Asked by Blackberry | 26 responses -
Could anyone possibly know this vintage horror movie?
Asked by partyrock | 4 responses -
Whatever happened to the movie 'Coin Locker Babies'?
Asked by Rheto_Ric | 1 response -
Did you enjoy watching the movie "The Artist"? What did you think of it?
Asked by partyrock | 10 responses -
Who is the most villainous fictional villain?
Asked by SmashTheState | 23 responses -
Have you got any good movies to recommend?
Asked by MilkyWay | 27 responses -
Are you an 'Exorcist' fan and have you seen either of the prequels?
Asked by Rheto_Ric | 12 responses -
"The Tree of Life" - is it any good?
Asked by Jude | 12 responses -
Has anyone seen the movie "White Irish Drinkers"? Thoughts?
Asked by Mama_Cakes | 3 responses -
Do you believe everything in your life you have "attracted" just like the movie The Secret says?
Asked by partyrock | 31 responses -
Which movie are you most looking forward to seeing in 2012?
Asked by Rheto_Ric | 27 responses -
How do criminals and people get so caught up in crime they can not get out of it ?
Asked by partyrock | 13 responses -
In the film "Twins" - Danny de Vito is paired with Arnold. Can you think of any other examples of this kind of pairing?
Asked by zensky | 14 responses -
Who is the most beautiful woman in the world to you ?
Asked by partyrock | 42 responses -
What are some great epic romance or historical dramas?
Asked by partyrock | 13 responses -
What are some good French or German movies ?
Asked by partyrock | 11 responses -
Of all Willy Wonka's attractions at the chocolate factory which is the least farfetched?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 12 responses -
Crazy Stupid Love - should I watch it?
Asked by prioritymail | 13 responses -
What is Robinson Crusoe about ?
Asked by partyrock | 6 responses -
What are some of Clark Gable's best films ?
Asked by partyrock | 10 responses -
What are some good movies set during the Civil war ?
Asked by partyrock | 13 responses