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What do you think about this view of cheating (in academics)?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 7 responses -
College application help (please see details)
Asked by NostalgicChills | 20 responses -
Can some jellies help me unravel this parenting puzzle?
Asked by Hawaii_Jake | 41 responses -
Are there sports history classes at the university level?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 4 responses -
What was your college major?
Asked by livelaughlove21 from iPhone | 25 responses -
How much math (and what courses) are required for an undergraduate psychology major?
Asked by yasminemaried | 19 responses -
What are some christmas presents that would benefit a college student?
Asked by Wine | 8 responses -
Do you think a person may write better when slightly intoxicated?
Asked by Wine | 22 responses -
What do you think of this situation (alcohol and partying)?
Asked by Mariah | 24 responses -
What can I do to stand out in my teachers college application?
Asked by oatmeal1642 | 7 responses -
Which college did you attend?
Asked by Luiveton | 31 responses -
Any jellies have relationship advice for my friend?
Asked by Mariah | 18 responses -
What kinds of things did you do to people who pass out at a party?
Asked by majorrich | 19 responses -
Teachers' College -- is it possible to find out you don't want to do this for the rest of your life ?
Asked by thesparrow | 13 responses -
Freshmen college students: how is your first year of school going?
Asked by JLeslie | 2 responses -
College letters of Recommendation help, URGENT?
Asked by NostalgicChills | 8 responses -
Teaching Religion in a classroom?
Asked by sparrowfeed | 34 responses -
Why do I feel like college isn't the right place for me?
Asked by IzzyAndHerBeans | 13 responses -
How do you survive in this world, during these times?
Asked by Evelyn_475 | 27 responses -
So you ended up quitting college. What is your occupation now?
Asked by _Whitetigress | 16 responses -
Can you help write an email requesting a reference from a previous instructor?
Asked by jordym84 | 10 responses -
What punishment would you recommend for an undergraduate who admits to having plagiarized?
Asked by answerjill | 18 responses -
What is the deciding factor for you to report someone for harrassment or assault?
Asked by wildpotato | 49 responses -
Have you ever seen (or been victimized by) a really good prank?
Asked by wundayatta | 6 responses -
Is it possible for me to get a newspaper subscription sent to my dorm's mailroom?
Asked by Wine | 5 responses