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Why is it possible to get a disease from a blood transfusion?
Asked by Ltryptophan | 11 responses -
Can you help with the challenge of keeping staff meetings fresh and interesting?
Asked by syz | 19 responses -
Wanting More - Am I asking too much of my boyfriend?
Asked by cmaria | 22 responses -
Have you ever had one of those days when nothing comes out right and you feel like a total axx hole?
Asked by Judi | 26 responses -
Is it normal to need a lot of alone time?
Asked by rory | 17 responses -
Would you create a newspaper headline?
Asked by Sunny2 | 21 responses -
A three part question regarding the demographics of Fluther?
Asked by Arewethereyet | 30 responses -
What types of conversations do you have with your significant other?
Asked by AnonymousWoman | 23 responses -
How do you deal with the trolls of the world, namely online?
Asked by gambitking | 35 responses -
How to say something?
Asked by antimatter | 12 responses -
When was the last time someone touched you?
Asked by flutherother | 62 responses -
What to say in a "cold call" email?
Asked by jordym84 | 14 responses -
What has your child taught you, lately?
Asked by zensky | 15 responses -
At what point do you stop "chasing" someone?
Asked by CuriousLoner | 24 responses -
How do I apologize and show more appreciation towards my boyfriend?
Asked by nailpolishfanatic | 87 responses -
Do you find it really tough (almost impossible) to keep in touch with people who do not use email and/or social networking sites?
Asked by jca | 21 responses -
As an artist or writer do you want your work to be primarily a way of communicating who you are and what you imagine, your own personal reality as it were?
Asked by Earthgirl | 9 responses -
How important is it to you to feel "known"?
Asked by Earthgirl | 22 responses -
Is this a normal “cooling off” period or silent treatment/emotional abuse?
Asked by femmefatale | 76 responses -
Will you share a particularly memorable interaction you've had with a complete stranger?
Asked by bookish1 | 21 responses -
Frustrating Habit?
Asked by hopeful5141 | 28 responses -
Do we have to love/care for/cherish our grown-up children unconditionally regardless of their behaviour or attitude towards us?
Asked by zensky | 26 responses -
Have you ever called into a radio show?
Asked by bookish1 | 23 responses -
What is the difference between the words "passive" and "impassive"?
Asked by flo | 47 responses -
Do you become a pseudo psychologist online?
Asked by Anatelostaxus | 17 responses