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Does Osama Bin Laden deserve compassion?
Asked by _zen_ | 30 responses -
Would you support the following 'Charter for Compassion' ?
Asked by mattbrowne | 22 responses -
What life lesson have you recently been reminded of or been awakened to for the first time?
Asked by Jeruba | 11 responses -
Do you have anything you would like, or need, to get off your chest?
Asked by MissAnthrope | 45 responses -
What is happening to human compassion?
Asked by AmWiser | 22 responses -
Do you agree with the idea of a monkeysphere (Dunbar's Number)
Asked by tranquilsea | 11 responses -
I would like to know why some feel it necessary to come into a Question and point out how others are wrong instead of just giving their view on it?
Asked by JustmeAman | 39 responses -
Is tolerance a positive or negative value?
Asked by ETpro | 189 responses -
What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
Asked by gravity | 26 responses -
Think it is true that no good deed goes unpunished?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 14 responses -
What does this sound like to you? see details?
Asked by RANGIEBABY | 36 responses -
Bee in the beer of a crude coworker, do you warn them or dummy up?
Asked by Hypocrisy_Central | 24 responses -
Would you take in an elderly parent or other family member?
Asked by ubersiren | 36 responses -
Will you petition to reinstate Dibley/Sophief?
Asked by stranger_in_a_strange_land | 113 responses -
Do you think the government should be able to deduct SS from a veterans VA disability compensation each month?
Asked by Rangie | 34 responses -
Everybody talks about poverty around the world, what about the poverty right here in the US?
Asked by Rangie | 107 responses -
How do you feel about, a federal court of appeals recently threw out a jury verdict in favor of a father, Albert Snyder, who had sued protesters at his son Matthew's funeral for intentional infliction of emotional distress?
Asked by Rangie | 37 responses -
What is your reaction when you see a friend, or anyone trip an fall down?
Asked by Rangie | 39 responses -
Is there any legitimate reason, to return an adopted child?
Asked by Rangie | 69 responses -
Please tell us of a time that you showed great compassion to someone or some cause. How did you, and what were the results?
Asked by ENGOfAB | 14 responses -
Where online can we go for emotional support and uplifting?
Asked by ENGOfAB | 27 responses -
If you do at least one good deed everyday, do you think it will change your life?
Asked by Rangie | 44 responses -
Suppose a group of scientists created a virtual world populated with sentient, self-aware "Sim" people?
Asked by HungryGuy | 52 responses -
How do you pay attention to suffering and how do you respond to it?
Asked by liminal | 8 responses -
Is it best to treat new acquaintances with compassion or skepticism?
Asked by Spinel | 17 responses