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Are you going to be watching a live blog today for the big Apple event?
Asked by erichw1504 | 88 responses -
Nerding it up: features for a ping pong computer.
Asked by phoenyx | 9 responses -
Does facebook chat work for you in firefox?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 14 responses -
Do you know how I can obtain a free independent best practices whitepaper for deploying and managing VDI for Windows 7, or a comparison between the various vendor VDI solutions?
Asked by agoodbrown | 1 response -
Is there a new status symbol on gmail?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 7 responses -
Are wireless mice reliable?
Asked by Sandydog from iPhone | 15 responses -
What is the funniest background you have ever seen, and where did you get it?
Asked by mowens | 17 responses -
Would you prefer a spell-check program that marked every unrecognized word as wrong, or one that only marked wrong the words that it knows are wrong?
Asked by Nullo | 17 responses -
I would like a remote for the computer (like a TV remote), but I don't know where to get one. Does anyone have one, and where did you get it?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 9 responses -
What do you do more? Play video games or play board games?
Asked by pizzaman | 21 responses -
Is it possible to change your email address on YAHOO?
Asked by TLRobinson from iPhone | 5 responses -
Is there a secret to styling your text?
Asked by Ruallreb8ters | 7 responses -
My computer says it has a virus, but when I run tests there's nothing wrong. What's up?
Asked by troubleinharlem | 18 responses -
Do you think teens spend too much time in front of electronic media?
Asked by Phury908 | 26 responses -
For all you Computer Science types...Does P=NP?
Asked by osullivanbr | 1 response -
I can't get to Google or Gmail?
Asked by ram201pa | 7 responses -
What is place of artist or drawing and painting in today's digital world?
Asked by prasad | 12 responses -
Are there any good download managers for books?
Asked by Sonnerr | 6 responses -
What can a hacker/malicious person do with just an IP address?
Asked by Fred931 | 12 responses -
Anyone know what's going on with my netbook?
Asked by erichw1504 | 6 responses -
Can anyone recommend a good mini-laptop (i.e. netbooks, netpads etc)?
Asked by Spinel | 13 responses -
Can you pull a backup off of an iPhone3G in "connect to itunes mode"?
Asked by aaronheaberlin808 | 1 response -
How would I create a website for my family buisness?
Asked by kayyyyleigh from iPhone | 11 responses -
Do tablet PC styli ("styluses") work with just any tablet PC?
Asked by seekingwolf | 2 responses -
Everything went hidden, how do I get it back?
Asked by Shield_of_Achilles | 5 responses