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What programming language will be useful to an Aerospace Engineer?
Asked by Shuttle128 | 10 responses -
Windows Vista video files: Convert .MOV to .WMA?
Asked by michelle3556 | 14 responses -
What's wrong with my ethernet?
Asked by Zajvhal | 14 responses -
How popular is Blu-Ray these days?
Asked by camertron | 7 responses -
If I relocate a Backups.backupdb file from one Time Machine drive onto another blank drive, will the Mac simply continue backing up to the volume as normal?
Asked by richardhenry | 10 responses -
Facebook and Gmail users - Have you been noticing this? Should I be worried?
Asked by ChocolateReigns | 7 responses -
Anyone successful in setting up a shared hard drive for iTunes using AEBS?
Asked by sndfreQ from iPhone | 3 responses -
Am I the only one who creates a computer on a website just for fun and doesn't buy it?
Asked by talljasperman | 12 responses -
Do you believe that video games can make people learn things faster and better?
Asked by dina_didi | 8 responses -
Everything went hidden, how do I get it back?
Asked by Shield_of_Achilles | 5 responses -
Could this be a hacker?
Asked by Kokoro | 10 responses -
What's a better way to end a powerpoint?
Asked by mirza | 8 responses -
What is your internet speed? Who has the highest? What does it cost? Where in the world do I get the fastest internet?
Asked by talljasperman | 19 responses -
Is there any .spdf unsealer that can be used on Windows 7?
Asked by chelseababyy | 2 responses -
Is this another example of victim shaming?
Asked by Dutchess_III | 8 responses -
What would it mean to you if you lost all your files, music or photos because of a computer crash?
Asked by andy_hazelbury | 23 responses -
Are there any commercially available USB flash drives that offer additional security?
Asked by rojo | 6 responses -
Internet browsers?
Asked by bennett | 23 responses -
Do we have an app that adjusts the reading comprehension level in a book?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 17 responses -
Can someone recommend an excellent wireless router?
Asked by Pandora | 14 responses -
Is there an eBay scam to make me pay more?
Asked by Poser | 11 responses -
Who made the first laptop?
Asked by Hollister0221 from iPhone | 12 responses -
Which are the best programs for drawing?
Asked by N0name | 10 responses -
How can I recover a lost 'admin account' on my PC?
Asked by augustlan | 7 responses -
Does anyone know where I can find BlackBerry pink icons?
Asked by chelseababyy | 1 response