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Do the political leaders in your country say, “God Bless CountryName” or anything similar when addressing the nation?
Asked by JLeslie from iPhone | 15 responses -
Do you move around a lot or have you lived in only a few places?
Asked by bezdomnaya | 15 responses -
How can an American obtain dual citizenship? Are there certain countries where it is allowed?
Asked by lilikoi | 23 responses -
What form of government would these websites take?
Asked by everephebe | 3 responses -
Are the places in the world that are low in development ever going to improve significantly?
Asked by DominicX | 15 responses -
What five words best sum up your country?
Asked by cubozoa | 19 responses -
Is America spoiled?
Asked by NaturalMineralWater | 40 responses -
Would you be willing to move to a country described as a tax haven?
Asked by robdamel | 9 responses -
What is a list of countries that have improved in the last 4 years? In image or in fact ?
Asked by RedDeerGuy1 | 2 responses -
Major nations throughout time have fallen. What if the United States failed as a nation?
Asked by willbrawn from iPhone | 12 responses -
What do you think about the country of Indonesia?
Asked by Fluther_Mania | 13 responses -
Ex-pats or former ex-pats: When you moved away from your 'home' country, what did you miss the most about it?
Asked by bezdomnaya | 11 responses -
Do other countries get into politics like the Americans do?
Asked by Frenchfry | 9 responses -
Migrations from which former colony created a large muslim minority in france during the late 20th century?
Asked by GotJinks | 10 responses -
In which country's educational system would you like to raise your child?
Asked by bezdomnaya | 15 responses -
Can a non resident non citizen of the US be part of the police DEA?
Asked by polycinco from iPhone | 3 responses