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Can someone help me solve a knitting question about making a baby blanket?
Asked by RedPowerLady | 17 responses -
Suggestions for inexpensive, but still thoughtful Christmas presents? Please see details.
Asked by evegrimm | 27 responses -
Would these be lame Halloween "treats"?
Asked by Supacase | 25 responses -
When sewing, How do you make "yo-yos"?
Asked by Ashalah | 3 responses -
What does chlorophyll do for homemade deodorant?
Asked by timothykinney | 9 responses -
The strap on my purse broke. How do I fix it?
Asked by dee1313 | 12 responses -
Sewing Machine "bird nesting" Problems?
Asked by Ashalah | 5 responses -
Does anyone know where one can buy blank cigar boxes?
Asked by drClaw | 10 responses -
I want to have a really different wedding, what should I do?
Asked by dee1313 | 35 responses -
Wood Block Printing on Fabric?
Asked by Ashalah | 12 responses -
Does anyone know how to make these stars?
Asked by xTheDreamer | 9 responses -
What are some cool diy craft projects?
Asked by Ashalah | 15 responses -
Knitting: How does drop stitch edging hide color changes in a striped scarf?
Asked by La_chica_gomela | 7 responses -
How do I get a piece of plastic for photocopying without buying a package of acetate?
Asked by LostInParadise | 5 responses -
Any good tips for tie dying?
Asked by deni | 7 responses -
Why is it so difficult to find airbrush equipment online?
Asked by AtSeDaEsEpPoAoSnA | 1 response -
What are some easy sewing projects for beginners to start with?
Asked by Ashalah | 7 responses -
What's the best tie dye kit?
Asked by ubersiren | 4 responses -
Has anyone ever done a craft/hobby you did years ago and would like to start again but can't get the supplies to do the particular 'craft/hobby'? What would/did you do?
Asked by lollipop | 8 responses -
Can you use glitter in candle-making?
Asked by Awooble | 8 responses -
How do you make a dreamcatcher?
Asked by TaoSan | 21 responses -
How would you and how hard is it to paint metal?
Asked by johnny0313x | 17 responses -
Would you help me come up with some Craft Ideas?? More information inside about who the crafts are for and what type of crafts.
Asked by RedPowerLady | 25 responses -
If you use foods/spices to color eggs, will the eggs take on those flavors?
Asked by MissAusten | 9 responses -
How do I access questions in one category?
Asked by YARNLADY | 12 responses